Courses at
Faculty of Political Science and Journalism
- Economic Policy 14-SPS1OPGO11
- Economic Policy 14-ZPS1OPGO11
- Economic Policy 14-IES1OECP11
- Economic Policy 14-IES1EECPL
- Economic policy 14-N1PL02-P11181
- Economic policy 14-N1SM02-P11181
- Economic policy 14-S1SM04-P11181
- Economic policy 14-S1SMAge03-P11339
- Economic policy 14-S1ZP03-P11181
- Economic, Competitive and Business Intelligence 14-XWGKB
- Economics 14-BPN1OEKO11
- Economics 14-BPS1OEKO11
- Economics 14-DPN1OEKO11
- Economics 14-DPS1OEKO11
- Economics 14-PPS1OEKO11
- Economics 14-SPN1OEKO11
- Economics 14-SPS1OEKO11
- Economics 14-ZPS1OEKO11
- Economics of audiovisual production 14-S2PA02-P04950
- Economy 14-N1BN01-P00618
- Economy 14-S1BN01-P00618
- Economy 14-S1ZP01-P00618
- Economy 14-N1DK01-P00618
- Economy 14-N1PL01-P00618
- Economy 14-S1DK01-P00618
- Economy 14-S1PL01-P00618
- Economy 14-N1SM01-P00618
- Economy 14-S1SM02-P00618
- Economy 4.0 14-PPS2IGPD11
- Economy 4.0 14-S2PLiz03-P11264
- Editing 14-DPS2NMNT11
- Editing Sports Materials 14-DPS2SMMS11
- Educational security 14-N2BNbm02-P10133
- Educational security 14-S2BNbm03-P10133
- Effective Marketing Communication 14-PPS2SSKM11
- Effective Marketing Communication 14-PPS1SSKM11
- Effective staff motivation 14-S2PLzz03-P11192
- Effective Visualisation and Self-Presentation 14-PPS2ISKW11
- Effective visualisation and self-presentation 14-S2PLiz02-P11259
- Efficient Staff Motivation 14-PPN2ZEMP11
- Efficient Staff Motivation 14-PPS2ZEMP11
- Efficient Staff Motivation 14-PPS1ZEMP11
- Election Campaigns in Local Government 14-ZPS1OKWS11
- Election Social Engineering 14-PPS1PSTW11
- Election Social Engineering 14-PPN1PSTW11
- Election Social Engineering 14-PPS2PSTW11
- Elections and Election Campaigns in the Polish Third Republic 14-XWYKW
- Electoral Campaign Design 14-PPN1PPRK11
- Electoral Campaign Design 14-PPS1PPRK11
- Electoral Campaign Design 14-PPS2PPRK11
- Electoral campaign design and organisation 14-S1ZPap04-P11555
- Electoral sociotechnics 14-S2PLmd03-P11609
- Electronic Diplomacy as a Soft Power (in the process of creating the communication and image of the state) 14-XDPEL
- Elementary Italian 14-XJWLP
- Elementary Persian 14-SPN2WPJP11
- Elementary Persian 14-SPS2WPJP11
- Elements of an introduction to jurisprudence 14-N2BNbp01-P10093
- Elements of an introduction to jurisprudence 14-S2BNbp02-P10093
- Elements of Introduction to Legal Studies 14-BPN2BEWP11
- Elements of Introduction to Legal Studies 14-BPS2BEWP11
- Employee Development and Training 14-PPN2ZRPS11
- Employee Development and Training 14-PPS2ZRPS11
- Employee Recruitment Methods and Selection Techniques 14-PPS2ZMRT11
- Employment Planning 14-PPS2ZPLZ11
- Employment Planning and Employee Recruitment Methods 14-PPS2ZPZM11
- Employment Planning and Employee Recruitment Methods 14-S2PLzz02-P11238
- Employment Relationships in Public Administration 14-XSPAP
- Employment Restructuring 14-PPN2ZRZA11
- Employment Restructuring 14-PPS2ZRZA11
- Employment Restructuring 14-PPS1ZRZA11
- Energy Security and Elements of Ecology 14-XBPEE
- Energy security and energy policy 14-XBPEP
- English 14-N1BN02-ANG-30
- English 14-N1BN01-ANG-30
- English 14-N2BN01-ANG-30
- English 14-N1DK01-ANG-30
- English 14-N1PL01-ANG-30
- English 14-N2DK01-ANG-30
- English 14-N1SM01-ANG-30
- English 14-N2NMK01-ANG-30
- English 14-N1DK02-ANG-30
- English 14-N1PL02-ANG-30
- English 14-N1SM02-ANG-30
- English A1 14-S1SMA02-F11286
- English for Specific Purposes 14-BPS2KJAS11
- English for Specific Purposes 14-N2X01-ANG-30
- English in International Relations part 1 14-IES2OEIR12
- English in International Relations part 2 14-IES2OEIR22
- English in IR 14-S2SMA01-P11350
- English in IR 14-S2SMA02-P11350
- English second language I 14-N1SM01-F14806
- Entrepreneurship 14-GES2OENT11
- Entrepreneurship and Employment in International Business 14-SPN2GPZB11
- Entrepreneurship and Employment in International Business 14-SPS1GPZB11
- Entrepreneurship and Employment in International Business 14-SPS2GPZB11
- Entrepreneurship and Employment in International Business 14-SPN1GPZB11
- Entrepreneurship and Employment in International Business 14-N2SMgb01-P11428
- Entrepreneurship and Employment in International Business 14-S2SMgb02-P11428
- Entrepreneurship and Employment in International Business 14-IES1EEEIB
- Entrepreneurship and Employment in International Business 14-S1SMAge04-P11343