Courses at
Faculty of Political Science and Journalism
- Chinese Language 14-SPN2PJCH12
- Chinese Language 14-SPS2PJCH24
- Chinese Language 14-SPS2PJCH34
- Chinese Language 14-SPS2PJCH44
- Chinese Language 14-SPS2PJCH13
- Chinese Language 14-SPS2PJCH23
- Chinese language 14-N2SMaw01-P03966
- Chinese language 14-S2SMaw02-P03966
- Chinese language 14-N2SMaw02-P03966
- Chinese Model of Socio-Economic Development or How to Live, Study and do Business in China and with the Chinese 14-XCHMR
- CIPP. Planning Documents Related to CI Protection 14-BPS2KPDO11
- Cities - challenges, visions, prospects 14-XMWWP
- Citizenship and Democratic Innovations 14-XCTDI
- Citizenship in Europe 14-XCITE
- Civic Participation 14-XPTOB
- Civil Law Contracts in Audiovisual Production 14-APS2FUCPA
- Civil law contracts in audiovisual production 14-S2PApa04-P04981
- Civil Political Activity in Modern Democratic States 14-XAKPO
- Co-productions 14-S2PApa04-P04980
- Codes and visual messages 14-NPN2TKDKW
- Codes and visual messages 14-N2NMKnt02-P11161
- Codes and visual messages 14-S2NMKnt03-P11161
- Colonialism - Decolonization - Postcolonialism 14-XKDPK
- Column Creation 14-APS2FPRFL
- Combating Crime 14-BPS2OZWP11
- Combating Crime 14-BPN2OZWP11
- Combating crime 14-N2BN01-P10084
- Common EU Foreign, Security and Defence Policy 14-XWPZO
- Common Foreign and Security Policy 14-N2SMwe01-P11210
- Common Foreign and Security Policy 14-S2SMwe02-P11210
- Common Foreign and Security Policy: Northern and Eastern Dimensions of the European Union 14-XCOPO
- Communicating in A Cultural Context 14-APS2OKMKK
- Communicating in a cultural context 14-S2PA01-P04946
- Communicating through the New Media 14-DPN2BKNM11
- Communicating through the New Media 14-DPS2BKNM11
- Communication and negotiations in a public institution 14-S1ZPzw04-P11572
- Communication in crisis situations 14-N1BNzk02-P10058
- Communication in crisis situations 14-S1BNzk04-P10058
- Communication in Political Campaigns 14-IES2ACMPC
- Communication in Political Campaigns 14-S2SMAap03-P11384
- Communication Strategies 14-XCMST
- Communication through new media 14-N2DKzk01-P13493
- Communication through new media 14-S2DKzk02-P13493
- Communications and Negotiations in Public Institutions 14-ZPS1WKNI11
- Communications in Crisis Situations 14-BPN1CKSK11
- Communications in Crisis Situations 14-BPS1CKSK11
- Community Agricultural Policy 14-PPS1EWPR11
- Community Agricultural Policy 14-PPS2EWPR11
- Comparative Politics 14-GES2OCMP11
- Comparative Politics 14-IES2OCMP11
- Comparative Politics 14-S2ZPA01-P11359
- Comparative Politics 14-S2SMA02-P11359
- Comparative Social and Political Movements 14-GES2OCPM11
- Comparative Social and Political Movements 14-S2ZPA03-P02403
- Comparative Social Movements 14-IES2OCSM11
- Comparative Social Movements 14-IES2RCSMV
- Comparative Social Movements 14-S2SMArt03-P11369
- Computer Forensics 14-BPN2EIFS11
- Computer Forensics 14-BPS2EIFS11
- Computer forensics 14-N2BNcb02-P10120
- Computer forensics 14-S2BNcb03-P10120
- Consular Law 14-SPN1KPKO11
- Consular Law 14-SPN2KPKO11
- Consular Law 14-SPS1KPKO11
- Consular Law 14-SPS2KPKO11
- Consular law 14-N1SMds02-P11407
- Consular law 14-N2SMds02-P11407
- Consular law 14-S1SMds04-P11407
- Consular law 14-S2SMds03-P11407
- Contemporary Asia - politics, economy, security 14-XCOAS
- Contemporary Contexts of Social Exclusion 14-XWKKS
- Contemporary History 14-IES1OCNH11
- Contemporary History 14-S1SMA01-P11273
- Contemporary History of Poland and the World 14-BPN1OWHP11
- Contemporary History of Poland and the World 14-BPS1OWHP11
- Contemporary Issues in International Relations 14-IES2OCIR12
- Contemporary Issues in International Relations 14-IES2OCIR22
- Contemporary Poland: history, society and culture 14-XPOLC
- Contemporary Polish and World History 14-N1BN01-P10010
- Contemporary Polish and World History 14-S1BN01-P10010
- Contemporary Political Systems 14-IES1OCPS11
- Contemporary political systems 14-N1BN01-P10012
- Contemporary political systems 14-S1BN02-P10012
- Contemporary political systems 14-S1PL02-P10012
- Contemporary political systems 14-N1DK02-P10012
- Contemporary political systems 14-N1PL02-P10012
- Contemporary political systems 14-N1SM02-P10012
- Contemporary political systems 14-S1DK03-P10012
- Contemporary political systems 14-S1SM03-P10012
- Contemporary Political Systems 14-S1SMA03-P11292
- Contemporary Problems in Gobal Economy 14-IES1GCPG11
- Contemporary Security Strategies 14-IES1GCSS11
- Contemporary Security Strategies 14-IES1GCSS21
- Contemporary security threats 14-N2BNzk02-P10062
- Contemporary security threats 14-S2BNzk03-P10062
- Contemporary Socio-political Threats and Challenges in the Middle East 14-XWZWS
- Contemporary Socio-political Threats and Challenges in the Middle East 14-XN-WZWS
- Contemporary Taiwan: Political, Economic and Social Aspects 14-XCTTA
- Contemporary Taiwan: political, economic and social aspects 14-XWPTJ
- Contemporary Turkey. Selected Issues 14-XN-WSTR