Courses at
Faculty of Law and Administration
- English course 10-JA-14-pj-n
- English course 10-JA-34-pj-n
- English course 10-JA-44-pj-n
- English course 10-JA-14-a1-n
- English course 10-JA-24-a1-n
- English course 10-JA-34-a1-n
- English course 10-JANG-13-pj-n
- English course 10-JANG-23-pj-n
- English course 10-JANG-12-pj-n
- English course 10-JANG-22-pj-n
- English course (internal exam) 10-JAegz-pre1-s
- English for legal and business purposes 10-PEJA-12-pe2-s
- English for legal and business purposes 10-PEJA-22-pe2-s
- English I: The language of economy and politics 10-S1PRE01-P03430
- English II: The language of economy and politics 10-S1PRE02-P03436
- English III: Employment Law 10-S1PRE03-P03452
- English in business 10-N1ZPB01-P04094
- English in business 10-N1ZPB02-P04094
- English in business 10-S1ZPB01-P04094
- English in business 10-S1ZPB02-P04094
- English in business 10-N1ZPB03-P04094
- English in business 10-N1ZPB04-P04094
- English in business 10-S1ZPB03-P04094
- English in business 10-S1ZPB04-P04094
- English language 10-JOI-14-pe1-s-uep
- English language 10-JOI-24-pe1-s-uep
- English language 10-JOI-34-pe1-s-uep
- English language 10-JOI-44-pe1-s-uep
- English language A2 10-N1AD02-ANG-30
- English language B1 10-N1AD03-ANG-30
- English language B21 10-N1AD04-ANG-30
- English Language IV: Law of Tort 10-S1PRE04-P03462
- English language: the language of economy and politics 10-JAGP-12-pre1-s
- English language: the language of economy and politics 10-JAGP-22-pre1-s
- Enterprise 10-PRZED-zpb2-s
- Enterprise 10-PRZED-zpb2-n
- Enterprise 10-PRZEDw-pj-n
- Enterprise 10-PRZEDw-pj-s
- Entrepreneurship 10-N1AD01-P00649
- Entrepreneurship 10-N2ZPB01-P00649
- Entrepreneurship 10-N5PR01-F00649
- Entrepreneurship 10-S1AD01-P00649
- Entrepreneurship 10-S2ZPB01-P00649
- Entrepreneurship 10-S5PR01-F00649
- Environmental Law 10-POS-pj-n
- Environmental Law 10-POS-pj-s
- Environmental management conditions 10-S2PE03-F05445
- Environmental Protection Law 10-POS-pe1-s
- Estate management 10-ZNw-a1-n
- Estate management 10-ZNw-a1-s
- Estate management 10-ZNw-z1-s
- Estate management 10-ZNw-pe1-s
- Estate management 10-ZNw-zpb1-n
- Estate management 10-ZNw-zpb1-s
- Ethical standards in public service 10-SESPw-a1-n
- Ethical standards in public service 10-SESPw-a1-s
- Ethical standards in public service 10-SESPw-preap-n
- Ethical standards in public service 10-SESPw-preap-s
- Ethics 10-ET-a1-n
- Ethics 10-ET-a1-s
- Ethics in administration 10-EWA-a1-n
- Ethics in administration 10-EWA-a1-s
- Ethics in administration 10-N1AD04-P03418
- Ethics in administration 10-S1AD04-P03418
- Ethics in business 10-EB-zpb2-s
- Ethics in business 10-EB-zpb2-n
- Ethics in business 10-N2ZPB02-P05479
- Ethics in business 10-S2ZPB02-P05479
- Ethics in the Global World 10-EGWw-els1-s
- Ethics in the Global World 10-S1ELS02-F05507
- EU and national labour law 10-S2PRE01-P03491
- EU and national public economic law 10-S2PRE01-P03492
- EU and Polish labour law 10-UKPP-pre2-s
- EU and Polish public economic law 10-UKPPG-pre2-s
- EU Competition Law and Digital Markets 10-EUCLDM-w-Erasm
- EU copyright and media law 10-PAPM-pre2-s
- EU Environmental Law and Policy 10-EUELP-els1-s
- EU Environmental Law and Policy 10-S1ELS04-P04852
- EU financial market law 10-PRFw-pe2-s
- EU financial market law 10-S2PE04-F05458
- EU food law 10-EPZw-pre2-s
- EU food law and policy 10-EPPZw-pre2-s
- EU Law and Artificial Intelligence 10-EULAI-w-erasm
- EU law and policy towards the technological challenges of the 21st century 10-PPWWT-pre2-s
- EU policy and consumer law 10-EPPRK-pre1-s
- EU projects 10-PUE-a2-n
- EU projects 10-PUE-a2-s
- EU projects 10-PUE-pre2-s
- EU regional politics 10-PRUE-pre1-s
- EU regional politics 10-PRUEwar-pre1-s
- EU, USA and BRIC - New Global Implications 10-NGIw-els1-s
- EU, USA and BRIC - New Global Implications 10-S1ELS03-F04848
- European administrative law 10-EPAw-preap-s
- European administrative law 10-S2AD01-F13880
- European administrative law 10-S1PRE03-F13880
- European administrative law 10-S2PRE03-F13880
- European and Polish Agricultural Law 10-EPAL-w-Erasm
- European and Polish Agricultural Law 10-EPAL-els1-s
- European and Polish civil law 10-EPPCw-pre1-s
- European and Polish civil law 10-S1PRE04-F03467