Courses at
Institute of Applied Linguistics
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- First aid 09-UPP-ILS-11
- Foreign language 09-PNJ-ILS-55
- Foreign language 09-pnj-ils-45
- Foreign language (additional) 09-PNJ2-ILS-25
- Foreign language of choice: Russian, French or Spanish 09-PNJT2-ILS-33
- Foreign language of choice: Russian, French or Spanish 09-PNJT-ILS-24
- Foreign language of choice: Russian, French or Spanish 09-PNJT-ILS-34
- General English 09-PNJAaj-ILS-16
- General English 09-PNJAaj-ILS-26
- General English 09-JNBaj-ILS-13
- General English 09-PNJAaj-ILS-36
- General English 09-PNJAaj-ILS-46
- General English 09-PNJAaj-ILS-56
- General English - writing 09-PNJAaj-18p-12
- General English - writing 09-PNJAaj-18p-22
- General German 09-JNB-ILS-12
- General German 09-J_niem-ILS_z-14
- General German 09-PNJN-ILS_z-24
- General German 09-PNJN-fon-ILS-11
- General German 09-PNJNaj-ILS-16
- General German 09-PNJNaj-ILS-36
- General German 09-pnjnaj-ils-26
- General German 09-PNJNaj-ILS-46
- General German 09-PNJNaj-ILS-56
- General pedagogy 09-PEO-ILS-11
- General psychology 09-PSO-ILS-11
- German and Austrian cinema 09-FNIA-ILS-11
- German and Austrian film 09-FNIA2-ILS-11
- German and Austrian film (elective course) 09-FNIAf-ILS-11
- German and Polish language of economics 09-N15-NPJE-11
- German as a foreign language 09-PNJN2-ILS-12
- German as a foreign language 09-PNJN2-ILS-44
- German as a foreign language (GFL) - business language 09-PNJN2-ILS-24
- German Business 09-JNB2-ILS-11
- German collective memory 09-NPZ-ILS-11
- German descriptive grammar 09-GOJNaj-ILS-12
- German for special purposes 09-JNS-ILS-14
- German for special purposes 09-JNS-ILS-24
- German for special purposes 09-JNS-ILS-34
- German for special purposes 09-JNS-ILS-44
- German history 09-histnie-ils-22
- German in economics and business 09-JNZEPf-ILS-z-11
- German in sciences 09-JNZNSf-ILS-z-11
- German language in the profession 09-JNWZ2f-ILS-11
- German phonetics - elective course 09-FNJN-ILS-11
- German speaking countries 09-knoj-ils-12
- German speaking countries 09-knoj-ils-22
- German specialist and applied texts 09-NTSIUf-ILS-11
- German-language film 09-FNf-ILS-11
- Glottodidactics as an empirical science 09-GJNE-ILS-11
- Health and safety in the workplace 09-BPN-ILS-11
- History of culture of German speaking countries 09-HISTKUL-ILS-22
- History of German literature (with elements of art and philosophy) - selected issues 09-HISTLIT-ILS-22
- History of German literature with selected aspects of history of art and philosophy 09-HISTLINIE-ILS-12
- History of German literature with selected aspects of history of art and philosophy 09-HISTLINIE-ILS-22
- History of Germany 09-HISTNIE-ILS-12
- History of Indonesia and Malaysia 09-HIM-IM-11
- History of Malayan and Indonesian literature 09-HLIM-IM-12
- History of the German literature 09-HISTLIT-ILS-12
- Individual and intercultural context of conflict management, communications strategies, negotiation techniques (interpersonal, intrapersonal and intercultural conflicts) 09-MKSKf-ILS-11
- Information technology 09-techinf2-ils-11
- Information technology 09-TI-zao-ils-11
- Intercultural communication in practice 09-KIWP-ILS-11
- Intercultural competence in practice: politics, culture and economy 09-KOMPINT-ils-11
- Intercultural literature 09-LI-ILS-11
- Internationalisms in translation 09-IWT-ils-11
- Introduction to German Phraseology 09-WDFN-ILS-11
- Introduction to intercultural communication 09-WDKI2-ils-11
- Introduction to lexicology and lexicography 09-PLLaj-ILS-11
- Introduction to specialized translation (German-Polish, Polish-German) 09-WDTNPTS-ILS-11
- Introduction to translation of specialist texts 09-WDTTS-ILS-11
- Introduction to translation studies 09-PTaj-ILS-11
- Introduction to translation: English-Polish 09-PTPap-ils-11
- Language acquisition 09-AJ-IM-11
- Language culture (elective course) 09-KJf-ILS-11
- Language Endangerment & Revitalization 09-LER-WS-11
- Language of persuasion 09-JPzao-ils-11
- Language of the Catholic religion 09-JRK-ILS-11
- Language psychology (elective course) 09-PSYCHJEZ-ILS-11
- Language sensitive education 09-EDJf-ILS-11
- Language sensitive education and multilingualism in Polish schools 09-NIWWSP-ILS-11
- language(s) in movies 09-JWFf-ILS-11
- Latin 09-LAC-ILS-12
- Latin 09-LAC-ILS-22
- Lexicology and lexicography 09-LL-ILS-11
- Life, culture and institutions of the English language speaking area 09-KAOJE-ILS-12
- Linguistic foundations of translation 09-LPP-ILS-12
- Linguistic foundations of translation 09-LPP-ILS-22
- Literary seminar 09-KLaj-ILS-11
- Literary translation 09-TLf-ILS-11
- Literature of English-speaking countries: elective 09-LITf-ILS-11
- M. A. seminar 09-SEMMGR-ILS-14
- M.A. seminar 09-SEMMGR-ILS_z-12
- M.A. seminar 09-SEMMGR-ILS-34
- M.A. seminar 09-SEMMGR-ILS-z-44
- M.A. seminar 09-SEMMGR-ILS_z-24
- M.A. seminar 09-SEMMGR2-ILS_z-12
- M.A. seminar 09-SEMMGR-ILS-z-22
- M.A. seminar 09-SEMMGR2-ILS-z-22
- MA seminar (foreign language teaching and learning, translation studies, linguistics, literature and culture, intercultural studies) 09-semmgr-ils-44
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