Study programmes
> Faculty list
> Faculty of Geographical and Geological Sciences
> Courses conducted
Courses at
Faculty of Geographical and Geological Sciences
- Creative thinking 07-KRM-TR2-ZU
- Creative thinking 07-KM-TR2-DU
- Creative thinking 07-S2TR03-P00159
- Crime geography 07-GPRZ-M
- Crime geography 07-GPRZ-MZ
- Crisis management 07-S2ZS03-F01712
- Critical Infrastructure Protection 07-OIK-IK1-DU
- Critical infrastructure systems 07-SIK-IK1-DU
- Critical infrastructures 07-S4GEO02-F02042
- Critical infrastructures in environmental management 07-S2ZS04-F02737
- Cross-border environmental management - field exercises abroad 07-S2ZS02-P02721
- Cryospheric hazards 07-S2GLg03-F06893
- Culinary tourism 07-CT-AMU-PIE
- Culinary tourism 07-TK-THZ2-DL
- Culinary tourism 07-TK-TR2-ZL
- Culinary tourism 07-N1TR02-F01787
- Culinary tourism 07-S1TR03-F01787
- Culinary tourism 07-S1TRht03-P01787
- Culinary Tourism and sensual analysis 07-TKSD-M
- Cultural anthropology 07-ANTKU-TRM1-DU
- Cultural anthropology 07-S2TRtm02-P00178
- Cultural geography 07-GK-GSE2-DL
- Cultural geography 07-S1GRgs03-F05941
- Cultural heritage of the region 07-DKR-GSE3-DL
- Cultural tourism 07-S2TR02-P00169
- Culture and art history 07-N1TR01-P03883
- Culture and art history 07-S1TR02-P03883
- Culture of China and Japan 07-KCHJ-TSN2-DL
- Culture of China and Japan 07-S1TRss03-P03967
- Culture of the Polish language 07-S1GR-MN01-P00195
- Culture of words 07-S2TRti04-P04024
- Culture of words 07-S2TRzt04-P04024
- Current climate change 07-WZK-GLZ1-DU
- Dance elements in recreation 07-ETR-TRR2-DL
- Data and research methods in hydrology, meteorology and climatology 07-ZDMB-HMiK1-DL
- Data base in geology 07-BDG-GL1-DU
- Data base systems 07-SBD-EM2-DL
- Data bases 07-BD-PAL1-DU
- Data processing with R 07-DPR-AMU-PIE
- Data sources and research methods in hydrology, meteorology and climatology 07-S1GRhm01-P06013
- Database administrartion 07-ABD-IK2-DU
- Database administration 07-ABD-GEO2-DU
- Database systems 07-SB-Ginf2-DI
- Database systems 07-S1GRem04-F01528
- Database systems 07-S3GEO04-P01528
- Databases 07-BD-GL2-DI
- Databases 07-S1GL04-F00229
- Databases 07-S3GL04-F00229
- Databases and spatial registers 07-BRBD-GK2-ZI
- Databases and spatial registers 07-BRBD-GK2-DI
- Databases and spatial registers 07-BRDP-GK1-DI
- Decision Support System 07-WSPD-GINŻ2-DU
- Decision support systems 07-S4GEO02-P02036
- Deep learning 07-S4GEO03-F00991
- Degradation and conservation of the earth's resources 07-N2GR01-F06040
- Demographic problems of Poland 07-PDP-M
- Demographic problems of Poland against the background of the European Union 07-PDPE-M
- Demography 07-D-F-GP1-DI
- Demography 07-D-GP1-DL
- Demography 07-D-GSE1-DL
- Demography 07-S1GRgs02-P05930
- Demography of Poland 07-DEP-AMU-PIE
- Dendrochronological analyses in studies of environmental changes 07-ADBZM-EM2-DL
- Dendrochronological analysis in the study of environmental change 07-S1GRem04-F05913
- Depth geological mapping 07-S2GLgn02-F06823
- Depth geological mapping 07-S2GLgs02-F06823
- Descriptive geometry and technical drawing 07-S3GL01-P06751
- Descriptive geometry and technical drawing 07-S3GIH01-P06751
- Descriptive geometry and technical drawings 07-GWRT-GL1-DI
- Design and editing of maps 07-S2GR03-F06133
- Design enginieering lab 07-PP-Ginf4-DI
- Design enginieering lab 07-PP-Ginf3-DI
- Design of hydrological and hydrogeological measurement and observation network 07-N3HMK01-F01664
- Design of hydrological and hydrogeological measurement and observation network 07-S3HMK02-F01664
- Design of meteorological measurement and observation network 07-N3HMK01-F01663
- Design of meteorological measurement and observation network 07-S3HMK02-F01663
- Design of web maps 07-S4KIG01-P02641
- Design workshop - a spatial development plan for a voivodeship 07-PPPZP-GPRZ2-ZU
- Design workshop (local plan of spatial development) 07-PPPZP-GP2-ZU
- Design workshop (spatial planning at the regional level) 07-PP-GPRZ2-DU
- Design workshop a spatial development plan for a voivodeship 07-PPZW-GP2-DU
- Designing revitalisation processes 07-PPRE-F-GPR1-DU
- Designing revitalisation processes 07-PPRE-GPRZ2-DU
- Designing revitalisation processes 07-PPRE-GPRZ2-ZU
- Designing revitalisation processes 07-PPRE-GRR1-ZU
- Designing smart and green cities 07-S2GCC04-F04568
- Desktop Publishing 07-MPTD-GG2-DL
- Desktop Publishing 07-S1GRgg04-F05994
- Detail mineralogy/Edvanced mineralogy 07-MSZ-GL1-DU
- Detailed geodesy 07-N3GK02-P02600
- Detailed geodesy 07-S3GK03-P02600
- Detailed geodetic measurements 07-GPS-GK2-DI
- Detailed measurements 07-GEOPS-GK2-DI
- Detailed mineralogy 07-S2GLgs03-F06839
- Detection of pollution in the urban environment 07-S1GRem04-F12220
- Development and functioning of the cultural landscape 07-N2GR01-F03939
- Development and operation of a cultural landscape 07-RF-TR3-DL
- Development of geographical thought 07-RMG-G1-DL
- Development of geographical thought 07-S1GR02-F05874
- Development of geographical thought 07-S1GRhm02-F05874