Study programmes
> Faculty list
> Faculty of Geographical and Geological Sciences
> Courses conducted
Courses at
Faculty of Geographical and Geological Sciences
- Climatic diversity of Poland and the world 07-S1ZKZ02-P05126
- Closed-cycle management with elements of BAT 07-S2ZS04-F02743
- Cloud classification 07-N3HMK01-F01662
- Cloud classification 07-S3HMK02-F01662
- Cloud computing 07-CHO-GEO2-DU
- Cloud computing 07-CHO-IK2-DU
- Coastal geohazards and their mitigation (3 days) 07-GMOWM-GEO3-DL
- Coastal Hazards - A Challenge For Coastal Zone Management And Tourism 07-CHCH-AMU-PIE
- Coastal hazards - a challenge for coastal zone management and tourism 07-S2TRte02-P04043
- Cognitive sciences and geoinformation 07-KIG-Ginf2-DU
- Cognitive sciences and geoinformation 07-KIG-GINŻ2-DU
- Cognitive sciences and geoinformation 07-KG-GEO2-DU
- Cognitive sciences and geoinformation 07-KG-IK2-DU
- Collection and processing of geological data 07-GPDG-GL2-DL
- Collection and processing of geological data 07-BD-GL2-DL
- Communal environmental engineering 07-KIS-ZS3-DL
- Communicating Science: Research data analysis and presentation 07-CSR-AMU-PIE
- Communications and services geography 07-N1GR02-P05838
- Compensatory accounting 07-N3GK01-P02589
- Compensatory accounting 07-S3GK02-P02589
- Comprehensive adaptive systems – ecological approach 07-S2ZS03-F02733
- Computational theories in geomatics 07-S4KIG02-F02652
- Compute supporting decision 07-KWPD-ZT1-DU
- Compute supporting decision 07-S2TR02-P00168
- Compute supporting decision 07-S2TRzt02-P00168
- Computer graphics 07-GRKO-Ginf1-DI
- Computer graphics 07-GK-GG1-DL
- Computer graphics 07-S3GEO02-P01513
- Computer graphics 07-S1GRgg01-P01513
- Computer graphics in environemtal sciences 07-GKDP-EM3-DL
- Computer Laboratory 07-S3GL01-P06753
- Computer Laboratory 07-S3GIH01-P06753
- Computer Reservation Systems (CRS) 07-SRITR-TR2-ZL
- Computer Reservation Systems (CRS) 07-SRITR-TR3-DL
- Computer Reservation Systems in hospitality (CRS) 07-SRH-THZ2-DL
- Computer Reservations Systems (CRS) 07-SRUTR-TR1-ZU
- Computer support in making decisions 07-KWPD-Ginf2-DU
- Computer support in making decisions 07-N2GR02-F06087
- Computer Systems Management 07-ZSI-Ginf3-DL
- Computer techniques 07-TI-GSE1-DL
- Computer techniques 07-TK-GL2-DL
- Computer techniques 07-S1GL03-F03943
- Computer techniques 07-S1TR02-P03943
- Computer-aided design in CAD 07-PKCAD-GP2-ZI
- Computer-aided design in CAD 07-PKCAD-GP2-DI
- Computer-aided design in CAD 07-PKCAD-GP2-DL
- Computer-aided laboratory 07-PK-GL1-DI
- Computer-aided specialistic 07-SPK-GIG2-DI
- Computer-aided specialistic laboratory 07-SPK-12-GIG3-DI
- Computer-aided specialistic laboratory 07-SPK-22-GIG3-DI
- Computer-aided specialistic laboratory 07-SPK-GIG4-DI
- Computer-aided specialistic laboratory 07-SPK-12-GL2-DI
- Computer-aided specialistic laboratory 07-SPK-22-GL2-DI
- Computer-aided specialistic laboratory 07-SPK-22-GL3-DI
- Computer-aided specialistic laboratory 07-SPK-GL3-DI
- Computer-aided specialistic laboratory 07-SPK-GL4-DI
- Computer-aided specialistic laboratory (AutoCad) 07-SACAD-GL2-DI
- Computer-aided specialistic laboratory (GIS) 07-SGIS-GL2-DI
- Comunication human and computer 07-KCK-F-Ginf1-DI
- Comunications with stakeholders 07-KI-M
- Comunications with stakeholders 07-KI-MZ
- Concepts of cities in the future 07-KOMP-EM2-DL
- Concepts of research projects in urban ecology 07-KPB-EM2-DL
- Concepts of research projects in urban ecology 07-KPB-EM3-DL
- Conflict areas in the world 07-OKS-G2-DL
- Conflicts in landscape, nature conservation and land use 07-S4KIG01-F02645
- Conservation of natural resources 07-OZP-IK1-DU
- Construction 07-B-GP4-ZI
- Contemporary anthropogenic alterations of the biosphere 07-S2GRhm02-F06175
- Contemporary anthropogenic biosphere changes 07-WAZB-HMiK1-DU
- Contemporary challenges and directions of urban ecology 07-S2GR04-F06162
- Contemporary civilization problems 07-PWC-EM1-DU
- Contemporary climate change 07-WZK-HMiK1-DU
- Contemporary climate change 07-S2GLg01-P06876
- Contemporary climate change 07-S2GRhm02-F06174
- Contemporary climate change 07-N3HMK02-P01690
- Contemporary ecosystems of the Earth 07-S1ZKZ02-F05136
- Contemporary models of urban development 07-WMRN-GP1-DL
- Contemporary problems of cities development 07-WPR-F-G3-DL
- Contemporary problems of cities development 07-WPR-G2-ZL
- Contemporary problems of Earth Sciences 07-WPNZ-GG1-DU
- Contemporary problems of social and economic geography 07-S2GR01-F06093
- Contemporary problems of urban development 07-N1GR02-F05844
- Contemporary problems of urban development 07-S1GRgs03-F05844
- Contemporary processes shaping the Earth's surface - field exercises 07-S1ZKZ02-P05130
- Contemporary transformations of the sculpture of Poland and the world 07-S2GR04-F06168
- Contemporary urbanization processes 07-S2GR02-F06117
- Content and language integrated learning 07-ZNPJ-2DU-ME
- Conventional and non-conventional sources of energy 07-KAZE-GLO2-DU
- Conventional and non-conventional sources of energy 07-KAZE-GL2-DU
- Cooperation of science with business 07-S4GEO03-P02044
- Cooperative games in recreation 07-S1TRta04-P03979
- Copyright and protection of intellectual property 07-PAOWI-GG1-DL
- Copyright and protection of intellectual property 07-S1GRgg01-P05975
- Corporate social responsibility 07-S1TRze04-P01445
- Corporate social responsibility (CSR) 07-SOB-TZE2-DL
- Creative and innovative economy 07-GKIG-GSE3-DL
- Creative Cities in the European Union 07-CC-AMU-PIE
- Creative project management 07-ZKP-KG2-DU
- Creative project management 07-S4KIG03-F02659