Study programmes
> Faculty list
> Faculty of Geographical and Geological Sciences
> Courses conducted
Courses at
Faculty of Geographical and Geological Sciences
- Anthropogenic climate change 07-S2GCC02-F02871
- Anthropogenically induced geohazards 07-GIA-GEO3-DL
- Anthropogenicgeomorphology 07-GEAN-G3-DL
- Anthropology of Culture 07-ANTKU-TRM1-ZU
- Antropogenic changes in water circulation 07-AZOW-ZS2-DU
- Anwendung von Isotopen in Geowissenschaften, Archäologie und im Umweltschutz 07-AIG-AMU-PIE
- Application of fossils in petroleum prospecting 07-ZSPN-GLP3-DL
- Application of laser scanning in 3D cartography 07-ZSL3D-GK3-DI
- Application of laser scanning in 3D cartography 07-ZSL3D-GK3-ZI
- Application of Scanning Electron Microscopy - Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy in Earth sciences 07-S2GCC03-F05741
- Application of scanning electron microscopy and microanalysis 07-SMEM-M
- Application of the GPR method in the study of sediments 07-S1GL-L-F16379
- Application of the GPR method in the study of sediments 07-S3GIH-L-F16379
- Application of the GPR method in the study of sediments 07-S3GL-L-F16379
- Applications of computer science in tourism 07-S1TR04-F03948
- Applications of sedimentology in geohazards research 07-S2GLg02-F06882
- Applications of SEM-EDS 07-SEM-DES-AMU-PIE
- Applied geomorphology 07-N2GR01-F06037
- Applied geomorphology and geoengineering 07-S2GR03-F06151
- Applied Glacial Geomorphology 07-AGG-AMU-PIE
- Applied hydrogeology 07-HYDS-GL1-DU
- Applied hydrogeology 07-HYDS-GWP3-DL
- Applied hydrogeology 07-HS-GPA1-ZP
- Applied hydrogeology method 07-MHG-HYD2-DI
- Applied hydrology 07-HYS-HMiK1-ZU
- Applied hydrology 07-HYS-HMiK3-DL
- Applied hydrology 07-HS-HMiK2-DL
- Applied hydrology 07-N2GR01-F06018
- Applied hydrology 07-S1GRhm03-F06018
- Applied paleontology 07-PAST-GLS1-DU
- Applied paleontology 07-S2GLgs02-F06824
- Applied paleontology 07-S2GLgn04-F06824
- Applied petrography 07-S2GLgs04-F06844
- Apprenticeship 07-S2GL02-P00642
- Apprenticeship 07-S4GL01-P00642
- Apprenticeship 07-S1GL04-P00642
- Apprenticeship 07-S1ZS04-P00642
- Apprenticeship 07-S4GI01-P00642
- Apprenticeship in companies and institutions in the field of tourism promotion and information 07-S2TRti02-F04031
- Apprenticeship in event 07-PRA-TRR2-DL
- Apprenticeship in event 07-PREV-TZE2-DL
- Apprenticeship in hotels 07-N1TR01-P03892
- Apprenticeship in hotels 07-S1TR02-P03892
- Apprenticeship in ITC in tourism sector 07-PZW-TIK1-DU
- Apprenticeship in tourist enterprises 07-N1TR02-P03911
- Apprenticeship in tourist enterprises 07-S1TR04-P03911
- Apprenticeship in travel offices 07-PZPT-TR2-DL
- Apprenticeship in travel offices (14 days) 07-PZPR-TR2-ZL
- Aqueous geochemistry 07-HYD-GL3-DI
- Archaeometry 07-ARCH-AMU-PIE
- Archaeometry and Geoarcheology 07-ARGE-AMU-PIE
- Architecture 07-A-TR1-DL
- Architecture 07-A-TR1-ZL
- Architecture 07-BUD-GP4-DI
- Architecture 07-N1TR01-P03881
- Architecture 07-S1TR01-P03881
- Architecture and design of tourist facilities 07-S2TR02-P00166
- Architecture of North American 07-AAP-M
- Architecture of Poland 07-AP-GP2-DU
- Architecture of Poland 07-AP-GPR2-DU
- Architecture of Poland 07-AP-GPRZ2-DU
- Architecture of Poland 07-AP-GPRZ2-ZU
- Arctic and Antarctic under climate warming 07-S2GCC04-F02888
- Arctic climate change 07-S2GCC02-F02869
- Arctic Dendrochronology Project 07-ADP-AMU-PIE
- Arctic in a Changing Climate 07-ACC-AMU-PIE
- Areas of conflict in the world 07-S1GR03-F05876
- Art of urban gardening 07-MSO-M
- Assesment of landscape using GIS 07-WKZGIS-PAL1-DU
- Assessment of environmental conditions 07-MOSS-HYD4-DI
- Assessments of the impact of investments on the atmosphere and hydrosphere 07-N3HMK02-F01684
- Assessments of the impact of investments on the atmosphere and hydrosphere 07-S3HMK04-F01684
- Astronomic basics of geography 07-APG-G1-DL
- Astronomic basics of geography 07-APG-HMiK2-DL
- Astronomical foundations of geography 07-S1GR02-F05873
- Atlas of extraordinary islands 07-AWN-M
- Atmosphere resources and protection 07-S1ZS01-P02665
- Atmosphere resources and protection 07-S1GRhm04-F02665
- Attacks and security of computer systems 07-ABSK-GEO1-DU
- Australia - Down Under 07-ADU-M
- Automation of data visualisation 07-S3GEO04-F01534
- Automation of data visualization 07-AWD-Ginf2-DI
- Automation of geoprocessing 07-AUG-Ginf3-DI
- Autorship and patent law 07-PAP-GL3-DL
- Aviation meteorology 07-MELO-HMiK3-DL
- BA seminar 07-SD-GL3-DL
- Bachelor lab 07-LL-ZS3-DL
- Bachelor laboratory 07-LL-12-GG3-DL
- Bachelor laboratory 07-LL-22-GG3-DL
- Bachelor seminar 07-SL-TR3-ZL
- Bachelor seminar 07-SL-22-TR3-DL
- Bachelor seminar 07-SL-12-ZS3-DL
- Bachelor seminar 07-SL-22-ZS3-DL
- Bachelor seminar 07-SL-12-GG3-DL
- Bachelor seminar and defense 07-SM-22-GG3-DL
- Bachelor workshop 07-LL-TR3-ZL
- Bachelor workshop 07-LL-TR3-DL
- Bachelor workshop 07-LL-W-TR3-DL
- Bachelor's seminar 07-SL-12-W-TR3-DL
- Bachelor's seminar 07-SL-22-W-TR3-DL