Study programmes
> Faculty list
> Faculty of Geographical and Geological Sciences
> Courses conducted
Courses at
Faculty of Geographical and Geological Sciences
- 2D and 3D spatio-temporal geovisualization 07-GCP-KG2-DU
- 3D Geovisualization in the Web 07-WG3D-KG1-DU
- 3D GIS Technologies 07-T3DGIS-GLO2-DU
- 3D GIS Technologies 07-T3DGIS-GL2-DU
- 3D GIS technologies 07-T3D-GLS2-DU
- 3D GIS technologies 07-3DGIS-GLH2-DU
- 3D GIS technologies 07-S2GLgn03-F06678
- 3D GIS technologies 07-S2GLgs03-F06678
- 3D GIS technologies 07-S4GL02-F06678
- 3D Graphics 07-GK-GG2-DL
- 3D modeling of geographic objects 07-M3D-GG3-DL
- 3D modelling 07-M3D-KG1-DU
- 3D visualisation in spatial planning 07-W3DGP-GP2-DI
- 3D visualisation in spatial planning 07-W3DGP-GP2-ZI
- A Sociology of Travel 07-ASOT-AMU-PIE
- A student with special needs in the education system 07-SPEC-3DL-ME
- Abrupt climate changes in Earth history 07-GZKHZ-M
- Absolute dating methods 07-S1ZKZ03-P05139
- Access to environmental information - legal bases and data sources 07-S1ZS02-P02672
- Accessibility of websites 07-S2TRti04-P04034
- Accessibility of websites 07-S2TRzj04-P04034
- Acquiring orders 07-PZ-TZE3-DL
- Acquiring orders 07-PZ-TZE2-DL
- Acquisition and processing of rock raw materials 07-PPSZ-GL2-DI
- Acquisition of meteorological and hydrological data 07-N3HMK01-P01652
- Acquisition of meteorological and hydrological data 07-S3HMK01-P01652
- Acquisition of orders 07-S1TRze03-P04005
- Action continuity plan in CI protection 07-PCDO-IK2-DU
- Active remote sensing 07-TEA-Ginf3-DI
- Active tourism 07-S1TRta03-P03977
- Active tourism events 07-S1TRta03-P03975
- Adaptation in the time of sea-level rise 07-S2GCC04-F02887
- Adaptation of cities and rural areas to climate change 07-AMOW-GP2-ZU
- Adaptation of cities and rural areas to climate change 07-AMOW-GPRZ2-DU
- Adaptation of cities and rural areas to climate change 07-AMOW-GP2-DU
- Adaptation of economic sectors to climate change 07-S2ZS04-F02739
- Adaptation of students to study and to do laboratory work at FGGS and AMU 07-S2GCC01-P11698
- Adjustment computations 07-RAW-GK1-ZI
- Adjustment computations 07-RAW-GK1-DI
- Adjustment theories in geomatics 07-TOG-KG1-DU
- Adjustment theories in geomatics 07-TOG-KG2-DU
- Administrative decisions in environmental management 07-S1ZS04-P02688
- Administrative instruments in environmental protection 07-AIZS-ZS3-DL
- Administrative procedure in environmental protection 07-PAOS-ZS3-DL
- Administrative proceedings in water management 07-PAGW-GWP2-DU
- Admministration geography 07-GA-GSE3-DL
- Advanced digital photogrammetry 07-ZFC-Ginż1-DU
- Advanced Earth observation systems 07-S4GEO01-P02134
- Advanced engineering geology 07-GIS-GIG3-DI
- Advanced hydrogeological field work 07-SCTH-GL3-DI
- Advanced hydrogeological field work (10 days) 07-SCTH-HYD3-DI
- Advanced mineralogy 07-MISZ-GLS2-DU
- Advanced Scientific English 07-S2GCC01-P00025
- Advanced visualizations on maps 07-ZWM-GEO2-DU
- Aerial and satellite photogrammetry 07-S2GR03-F06135
- Aerial tourism 07-S2TR04-P00174
- Aerospace and satellite monitoring 07-MLS-Ginf1-DU
- Aerospace and satellite monitoring 07-MLS-GEO1-DU
- Agricultural geography 07-S1GRgs02-P05837
- Agricultural geography 07-N1GR02-P05837
- Agricultural geography 07-S1GR03-P05837
- Agriculture geography 07-GEOR-G2-DL
- Agriculture geography 07-GEOR-G2-ZL
- Agriculture geography 07-GR-G3-DL
- Agrometeorology 07-AGRM-HMiK3-DL
- Agrotourism 07-AGRO-TR3-DL
- Agrotourism 07-AGRO-TR3-ZL
- Air and satellite monitoring 07-MLS-IK1-DU
- Air and water quality in cities 07-JPWM-EM3-DL
- Air quality management 07-N3HMK02-F01671
- Air quality management 07-S3HMK03-F01671
- Algorithms and database structures 07-AISD-Ginf2-DI
- Alternative and conventional energy sources 07-AKŻE-GLS1-DU
- Alternative and conventional energy sources 07-AKZE-GLH2-DU
- Alternative and conventional energy sources 07-S2GLgn04-F06692
- Alternative and conventional energy sources 07-S2GLgs04-F06692
- Alternative and conventional energy sources 07-S4GL03-F06692
- Amusement Parks in Poland and in the world -tourism, economic and social aspects 07-PRPS-M
- Analysis of geological data in R 07-S2GLgn02-F07078
- Analysis of geological data in R 07-S2GLgs02-F07078
- Analysis of labour market 07-S1GRgs04-F05949
- Analysis of living standards and conditions 07-S1GRgs04-F05947
- Analysis of phytogenic sediments 07-S1GL-Z-F16377
- Analysis of phytogenic sediments 07-S3GIH-Z-F16377
- Analysis of phytogenic sediments 07-S3GL-Z-F16377
- Analysis of Polish and foreign event market 07-ARE-TZE2-DL
- Analysis of Polish and foreign event market 07-ARE-TZE3-DL
- Analysis of social pathologies and crime 07-S1GRgs04-F05948
- Analysis of the natural environment 07-S1GRgs03-F05938
- Analytic geometry 07-GA-Ginf1-DI
- Analytical geometry 07-S3GEO02-P00234
- Animated and multimedia cartography 07-KAM-GK3-DI
- Animation of leisure time 07-ACW-TR3-ZL
- Animation of leisure time 07-ACW-THZ3-DL
- Animation of leisure time 07-ACW-TRR3-DL
- Animation of leisure time 07-ACW-TZE3-DL
- Antarctica - an unearthly continent 07-ANK-M
- Antarctica - unusual continent 07-ANN-M
- Anthropocene 07-S2GLg04-F05166
- Anthropocene and ecosystems 07-S2GCC01-P02854