Courses at
Faculty of Historical Studies
- (in Polish) Ćwiczenia wykopaliskowe 05-PRW-24-Arch
- (in Polish) Ćwiczenia wykopaliskowe 05-PW-12-Arch
- (in Polish) Animacja kultury historycznej 05-AKH-14pd
- (in Polish) Dydaktyka historii 05-DH-14pd
- (in Polish) Seminarium doktoranckie 05-SD-11dd
- (in Polish) Kancelaria tajna i ochrona informacji w archiwach 05-KT-zparch
- (in Polish) Historia nowożytna XVI-XVIII wiek 05-HN-XVI-XVIII-12pd
- (in Polish) Praktyki zawodowe 05-pz-24dd
- (in Polish) Zajęcia dydaktyczne 05-ZD-47dd
- (in Polish) Zajęcia dydaktyczne 05-ZD-48dd
- (in Polish) Filozofia 05-FILOZ-23dd
- (in Polish) Filozofia 05-FILOZ-24dd
- (in Polish) Dydaktyka historii 05-DH-13pd
- (in Polish) Dzieje kultury XIX/XX w. 05-DK-XIX/XX-13pd
- (in Polish) Dzieje kultury w XVI/XVIII w. 05-DK-XVI/XVIII-13pd
- (in Polish) Dzieje kultury starożytnej 05-DKstar-13pd
- (in Polish) Dzieje kultury średniowiecznej 05-DKŚr-13pd
- (in Polish) Historia historiografii i metodologia historii 05-HHMH-13pd
- (in Polish) Historia najnowsza po 1945 roku 05-HN-po1945-13pd
- (in Polish) Historia państwa i prawa 05-HPP-13pd
- (in Polish) Seminarium doktoranckie 05-SD-12dd
- (in Polish) Seminarium doktoranckie 05-SEM-35dd
- (in Polish) Zajęcia dydaktyczne 05-ZD-35dd
- (in Polish) Seminarium doktoranckie 05-SEM-47dd
- (in Polish) Seminarium doktoranckie 05-SEM-48dd
- (in Polish) Anthropology of Development 05-AOD-AMU-PIE
- (in Polish) Emisja głosu 05-EG-zpph-14pd
- (in Polish) Technologia informacyjna 05-TI-zpph-14pd
- (in Polish) Zajęcia dydaktyczne 05-zd-24dd
- (in Polish) Zajęcia dydaktyczne 05-ZD-36dd
- (in Polish) Seminarium doktoranckie 05-SEM-36dd
- (in Polish) Blok fakultatywno - kierunkowy (krytyka muzyczna) 05-BFKRM-23-Muz
- (in Polish) Egzamin z języka obcego nowożytnego 05-jo-48dd
- (in Polish) Kształcenie psychopedagogiczne (ćwiczenia) 05-KPc-11dd
- (in Polish) Kształcenie psychopedagogiczne (emisja głosu) 05-KPeg-11dd
- (in Polish) Kształcenie psychopedagogiczne (wykład) 05-KPw-11dd
- (in Polish) Warsztat badawczy humanisty 05-WBH-11dd
- (in Polish) Warsztat badawczy humanisty - metodologia historii 05-WBHh-11dd
- (in Polish) Praktyki zawodowe 05-PZ-11dd
- (in Polish) Praktyki zawodowe 05-PZ-12dd
- (in Polish) Anthropology of Development 05-AOD-SL-EtnC
- (in Polish) Surprise as method 05-SA-f-EtnU
- (in Polish) Intensive Programme 05-IP-12-EtnC
- (in Polish) Kształcenie psychopedagogiczne (emisja głosu) 05-KPeg2-11dd
- (in Polish) Religia starożytnego Egiptu 05-RSE-SL-f-e-Arch
- Academic entrepreneurship. Activism in Non-governmental Organizations 05-PAN-24-Etn
- Analysis of Operatic Work 05-ADO-SL-Muz
- Analysis of the culture 05-AK-12-etnu
- Anthropology of Religion 05-AR-AMU-PIE
- Anthropology of Religion 05-AR-12-EtnC
- Anthropology of the chosen cultural phenomena - Medical Anthropology 05-AWZKIIAM-12-Etnu
- Anthropology of the chosen cultural phenomena - Medical Anthropology 05-AWZKIVAM-24-EtnU
- Anthropology of the chosen cultural phenomena IV: Complementary and alternative medicine 05-AWZKIIMKA-12-EtnU
- Anthropology of the contemporary 05-AWS-35-Etn
- Anthropology of the Contemporary 05-AWS-36-Etn
- Anthropology of Village 05-AW-35-Etn
- Archaeology and Art of Ancient Greece 05-ASSG-35-Arch
- Art on Screen 05-AOSZPS-SZ-HSdlu
- Art on Screen 05-AOSZPS-SL-HS
- Art-historical Camp - Inventory of Monuments 05-OIN-24hs
- Art.-historical excursion 05-OZ-12DU-HS
- Basic scholarly skills training 05-PWNI-11-Etn
- Basis of Music Analysis 05-PAM-12-Muz
- Basis of scientific II 05-PWN-12-etn
- Complementary and alternative medicine 05-AWZKIVMKA-24-EtnU
- Contemporary visual culture 05-WKW-12DU-HS
- Counterpoint 05-KON-11-Muz
- Crucial problems of the history of Eastern Europe in XX and XXI centuries 05-WPDEW-11-m-WschU
- Culture versus Gender 05-KAP-36-etn
- Culture versus Politics 05-KAPO-36-etn
- Description of a Work of Art 05-WDHSC2-12HS
- Didactics 05-DKSN-Z-MUZ
- Diplomatic and consular law 05-PDK-12-Wsch
- Economic relations in the region of Eastern Europe and Asia (classes) 05-SGEWAc-24-Wsch
- Economic relations in the region of Eastern Europe and Asia (lecture) 05-SGEWA-24-Wsch
- Ethnic and religious structure of Eastern Europe region. 05-SERSKE-12-m-WschU
- Ethnografical observation 05-OE-23-Etn
- Ethnographic Interviews 05-WE-23-Etn
- Ethnomusicology 05-ETNM-f-etn
- Everyday life in the post-Soviet area 05-ZCOP-12-Wsch
- General Seminar I: Film Art 05-SEMOFS-35DL-HS
- Geno- and Ecocides: A Planetary Perspective 05-GEPP-PIE
- German Language 05-JONN-23hs
- German Language 05-JONN-24hs
- German Language 05-JONN-12hs
- Harmony 05-HAR2-12-Muz
- History of Ancient Persia 05-HAP-SL-AMU-PIE
- History of Opera 05-HOP-SZ-MuzU
- History of Philosophy 05-HFIL-36-Muz
- History of the Polish music of the Romanticism 05-HMPRC-24-Muz
- History of the Polish music of the Romanticism 05-HMPRW-24-Muz
- History of the post-Soviet area II 05-HOP-23-Wsch
- History of the post-Soviet area II 05-HOPc-23-Wsch
- History of the post-Soviet area III 05-HOPw-24wsch
- History of the post-Soviet area III 05-HOPc-24-Wsch
- Information Management 05-IN-11dd
- Information technology 05-TIN-11-Wsch
- Informative Technology 05-TINF-12-Muz
- International economic relations 05-MSG-23-Wsch
- International policy of contemporary Russia 05-PMWRw-12-WschU