Courses at
Institute of Classical Philology
- (in Polish) Master Seminar 03-MS-21MSDM
- (in Polish) Master Seminar 03-MS-22MSDM
- (in Polish) Lektura tekstów greckich w oryginale 03-TGO-21SMDM
- (in Polish) Justice in Plato's "Republic" 03-F-GTR
- (in Polish) Italian Cultural Masterpieces 03-FS-ICM
- (in Polish) Literatura antyczna i film 03-FS-LAF
- (in Polish) Wprowadzenie do literatury Greków i Rzymian 03-WLGR-11KDL-E
- (in Polish) The Origins of Democracy: Politics in Ancient Greece 03-F-PAG
- (in Polish) Wprowadzenie w komparatystykę filozoficzną 03-F-WKFI
- (in Polish) Tutorial łaciński 03-TUTL-22KDM
- (in Polish) Objazd naukowo-turystyczny 03-F-ONT
- (in Polish) "Metamorfozy" jako poemat pełen tajemnic 03-F-MPPT
- Latin Prose in the Original Version 03-PLO-11KDM
- Advanced Paleographic Exercises 03-CPZ-22KDL
- Aeschylus - Sophocles - Euripides 03-ASE-21KDL
- Aeschylus - Sophocles - Euripides 03-S1FK03-P14107
- Anatomy of Ancient Society and Culture 03-S2SSA01-P14816
- Anatomy of Ancient Society and Culture 03-F-AASC
- Ancient art 03-S1FK03-P14112
- Ancient art 03-S1SS03-P14112
- Ancient Art in the Contexts of Classical Literature 03-SAK-21SMDL-E
- Ancient Art in the Contexts of Classical Literature 03-SAK-21KDL-E
- Ancient Greece and Ancient India: An Introduction to Comparative Philosophy 03-F-AGAI
- Ancient Greek Dialects 03-DJG-21KDM
- Ancient Greek in an Easy Way 03-S2SSA01-P14842
- Ancient Greek in an Easy Way 03-S2SSA03-P14842
- Ancient Greek in Easy Way 03-F-AGEW
- Ancient History 03-HS-11KDL-E
- Ancient History 03-HS-11SMDL-E
- Ancient history 03-S1SS01-P06457
- Ancient history 03-S1FK01-P06457
- Ancient Motifs 03-F-AMO
- Ancient Motifs and Topoi in Literature 03-MTA-31SMDL
- Ancient Motifs in J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis 03-F-AMT
- Ancient Mythology in Literature and Culture 03-MA-31KDL-E
- Ancient Mythology in Literature and Culture 03-MA-31SMDL-E
- Ancient Philosophy 03-FA-11KDL-E
- Ancient Philosophy 03-FA-11SMDL
- Ancient Philosophy 03-S1SS02-P07434
- Ancient Philosophy 03-S1FK02-P07434
- Ancient Philosophy of Mind 03-F-APM
- Ancient Theatre 03-TA-12SMDL
- Ancient theatre 03-S1SS02-P14391
- Ancient World in Visual Arts 03-ASW-12SMDM-E
- Ancient World in Visual Arts 03-ASW-22SMDM-E
- Ancient World in Visual Arts 03-F-AWV
- Ancient World in Visual Arts 03-S2SSA02-P14846
- Ancient World in Visual Arts 03-S2SSA04-P14846
- Antique wordplays 03-A-AGS
- Antique wordplays 03-F-AGS
- Antiquity and contemporary literary theory 03-S1FK03-P14106
- Antiquity and Contemporary Theory of Literature 03-AWT-21KDL
- Antiquity in the visual arts 03-S2SS02-P11653
- Antiquity in the visual arts 03-S2SS04-P11653
- B.A. Seminar 03-SEM-32SMDL
- B.A. Seminar 03-SL-32KDL
- Basics of marketing and advertising 03-S1SStk04-P14414
- Between Myth and Philosophy: The Creation of the World in J.R.R. Tolkien 03-FS-MTSS
- Between Myth and Philosophy: The Creation of the World in J.R.R. Tolkien 03-F-MTSS
- Biblical Literature 03-LB-21SMDL
- Black Robe. Representations of the Jesuits in Film 03-F-RJF
- Carl Gustav Jung's analytical psychology and its Cultural Influence 03-F-PACJ
- Categories of European Culture 03-KKE-21SMDM-E
- Categories of European Culture 03-KKE-11SMDM-E
- Categories of European Culture 03-F-CAC
- Categories of European culture 03-S2SS01-P11662
- Categories of European culture 03-S2SS03-P11662
- Categories of European culture 03-S2SSA01-P14841
- Categories of European culture 03-S2SSA03-P14841
- Cicero and Rhetoric 03-CR-22KDL
- Cicero and rhetoric 03-S1FK04-P14118
- Classes of Paleography - Introduction 03-WCP-21KDL
- Classical Myths in Culture 03-S2SSA02-P14829
- Classical Myths in Culture 03-F-CMC
- Classical Philologist Workshop 03-WFK-31KDL
- Classical Roots of Modern Education 03-F-CRM
- Classical Roots of Modern Education 03-S2SSA02-P14848
- Classical Roots of Modern Education 03-S2SSA04-P14848
- Classical Theatre 03-S2SSA01-P14819
- Classical Theatre 03-F-CTH
- Classical Theatre: Tragedy & Comedy 03-F-CT
- Classical tradition in European literature 03-S2SS02-P11651
- Classical tradition in European literature 03-S2FK02-P11651
- Classical tradition in European literature 03-S2FK04-P11651
- Comedy from Aristophanes to Menander 03-KAM-21KDL
- Comedy from Aristophanes to Menander 03-S1FK03-P14108
- Comparative Literature 03-KL-11SMDM-E
- Comparative Literature 03-KL-21SMDM-E
- Comparative Literature 03-S2SS01-P14791
- Creativity in Tourist Business - specialisation: Cultural Heritage Tourism of the Mediterranean Region 03-KBT-12SMDM
- Creativity in Tourist Business - specialisation: Cultural Heritage Tourism of the Mediterranean Region 03-KBT-22SMDM
- Cultural Institutions 03-S2SS03-P11687
- Cultural Role of Greece and Italy Tours 03-F-CRG
- Cultural topography of ancient cities 03-S1SStk04-P14415
- Cultural Topography of Athens and Rome - specialisation: Cultural Heritage Tourism of the Mediterranean Region 03-TKA-22SMDL
- Culture and Language of a Chosen Mediterranean Country I 03-KJK-11SMDL
- Culture and Language of a Chosen Mediterranean Country II 03-KJK2-12SMDL-E
- Culture and Language of a Chosen Mediterranean Country III 03-KJK3-21SMDL
- Culture and Language of a Chosen Mediterranean Country IV 03-KJK2-22SMDL-E
- Culture and Language of a Chosen Mediterranean Country V 03-KJK3-31SMDL