Courses at
Faculty of Biology
- Physiology of physical exercise. Chosen aspects. 01-W-FIZJOWYSIL
- Physiology of plants 01-S1NBP04-P00005
- Physiology of plants 01-S1BT04-P00005
- Phytopathology 01-N-FITPAT
- Phytopathology with elements of diagnosis 01-S2BT01-F15668
- Phytotherapy 01-W-FITTER
- Phytotherapy 01-S1BZ04-F01373
- Plant anatomy and physiology 01-ROSBUDFIZ
- Plant anatomy and physiology 01-ROSBUDFIZ-Z
- Plant and animal structure 01-S1NBP01-P13026
- Plant and animal transgenesis 01-W-TRANSGEN
- Plant and fungal diversity 01-S1NBP02-P00456
- Plant and fungal diversity 01-S1OS02-P00456
- Plant bioactive compounds with pro-healthy and toxic activity 01-BIOPLANT-PIE
- Plant cell and tissue culture 01-W-ROSLKULT
- Plant cell and tissue culture 01-W-ROSLKULT-Z
- Plant disease epidemiology 01-EPICHORROS
- Plant disease epidemiology 01-EPICHORROS-Z
- Plant extinction and expansion 01-S2OS01-F16139
- Plant physiology 01-ZPB-FIZJROS
- Plant physiology 01-FIZROS-5
- Plant Physiology 01-PLANTPHYS-PIE
- Plant physiology 01-FIZROS-BT
- Plant raw materials in pharmacy and cosmetics 01-S2NBP04-F05527
- Plant resources in pharmacy and cosmetics 01-W-ROSLFARM-Z
- Plant resources in pharmacy and cosmetics 01-W-ROSLFARM
- Plant responses to environmental stresses 01-PLANTSRESS-PIE
- Plant structure and physiology 01-N1BL04-P00566
- Plant structure and physiology 01-S1BL04-P00566
- Plant transgenesis 01-S2BT02-F15684
- Plasticity of the Neuromuscular System 01-W-NMPLAST
- Plasticity of the Neuromuscular System 01-S2NEW02-F11080
- Population and Ecological Genetics 01-POPGEN-PIE
- Population ecology 01-W-EKOPOP
- Population ecology 01-W-EKOPOP-Z
- Population ecology 01-N2BL02-F05535
- Population ecology 01-S2OS01-F05535
- Population genetics 01-MK-BI-GENPOP
- Population genomics 01-W-GENPOPUL
- Population genomics 01-POPGENOM-PIE
- Practical Application of Python in Computational Biology 01-W-PYTHON
- Practical bio-acoustics 01-N1BL06-F00611
- Practical bio-acoustics 01-S1BL06-F00611
- Practice in primary school 01-PRAKZAWPOD
- Practice in primary school 01-PRAKZAWPODS
- Practice in primary school part 2 01-PRAKZAWPOD2
- Practice in secondary school 01-PRAKTZAWPOPOD
- Practice in secondary school 01-PRAKTPONADPODST
- Pre-clinical and clinical research 01-BIZC-KLINBAD-W
- Pre-clinical and clinical research 01-BIZC-KLINBAD
- Pre-clinical and clinical research 01-S2BZ04-P01178
- Pre-Medical First Aid 01-PERWPOMPRZED
- Preparation for Apprenticeship in secondary school 01-S2NBP04-P13079
- Preparation for apprenticeships 01-S1NBP03-P11855
- Preparation for laboratory work 01-S1BT01-P00511
- Preparation for professional practice 01-NAUPRZYGPRAKT
- Preparation for professional practice in secondary school 01-PRZYGPRAKTPONA
- Preparation for professional work 01-N-PRZYGZAW
- Preparation for professional work 01-N-PRZYGZAW-Z
- Preparation for professional work 01-N-PRZYGZAW-OS
- Preparation for professional work 01-PRZYGZAW-BT3
- Preparation for professional work 01-MK-BI-PRZYGZAW
- Preparation for professional work 01-22-PRZYGZAW-OS
- Preparation for professional work 01-23-PRZYGZAW-BL-Z
- Preparation for professional work 01-PRZYGZAW-BT2
- Preparation for professional work 01-S1OS02-P00454
- Preparation for professional work 01-N1BL03-P00454
- Preparation for professional work 01-S1BL03-P00454
- Preparation for professional work 01-S1BT04-P00454
- Preparation for writing and presentation of research works 01-N-PRACNAUK-NB
- Preparation for writing and presentation of research works 01-N-PRACNAUK-Z
- Preparation for writing and presentation of research works 01-N-PRACNAUK-OS
- Preparation for writing and presentation of research works 01-N-PRACNAUK-B
- Preparation for writing and presentation of research works 01-N-PRACNAUK-BT
- Preparation for writing and presentation of research works 01-W-PRACNAUK-BiZC
- Preparation for writing and presentation of research works 01-23-PRACNAUK-BL-Z
- Preparation for writing and presenting research papers 01-S2BZ01-F01151
- Preparation for writing and presenting scientific research papers 01-S2NBP01-P00565
- Preparation for writing and presenting scientific research papers 01-N1BL03-P00565
- Preparation for writing and presenting scientific research papers 01-S1BL03-P00565
- Preparation for writing research papers 01-S1BT05-P00532
- Preparation of invertebrates 01-S1NBP03-F14732
- Preparation of the thesis 01-MK-BI-PRZYGMAG-12
- Preparation of the thesis 01-MK-BI-PRZYGMAG-22
- Primate Behavioral Ecology 01-PRIBEHECOL-PIE
- Principles of Concurrent Programming 01-MK-BI-WSPPROG
- Principles of experimental research design 01-S1BT05-P00533
- Principles of Genetics 01-GEN-3
- Principles of Geographical Information Systems 01-S2EPR01-P12943
- Principles of Human Anatomy and Physiology 01-ANAT-2
- Principles of Medical Virology 01-W-MEDVIR
- Principles of medical virology 01-MEDVIR-PIE
- Principles of microbiology 01-MK-BI-PODSMIKR
- Professional internships: molecular and experimental biology 01-N1BL06-F00728
- Professional internships: molecular and experimental biology 01-S1BL06-F00728
- Professional practice 01-MK-BI-PRAKZAW
- Professional practice 01-PRAKZAW-B3
- Professional practice 01-PRAKZAW-BT3
- Professional practice 01-PRAKZAW-O3
- Professional practice 01-BIZC-PRAKZAW-3