Courses at
Faculty of Biology
- Neuroendocrinology 01-NEUROEND
- Neurogenetics 01-NEUROGEN
- Neurogenetics 01-S2NEW02-P11072
- Neurogeriatrics and pain management 01-NEUROGERIA
- Neurogeriatrics and pain management 01-S2NEW04-P11083
- Neuroimmunology 01-W-NEUROIMMUN
- Neuroimmunology 01-S2NEW04-F11089
- Neurology 01-S2NEW03-P13244
- Neurology and neurosurgery 01-NEURLOGCHIR
- Neuromotorics 01-NEUROMOT
- Neuromotorics 01-S2NEW02-P11073
- Neurooncology 01-W-NEUROONK
- Neurooncology 01-S2NEW04-F11085
- Neuropharmacology 01-NEUROFARM
- Neuropharmacology 01-S2NEW04-P11084
- Neurophysiology 01-NEUROFIZJO
- Neurophysiology 01-S2NEW01-P11066
- Neuropsychology 01-W-NEUROPSYCH
- Neuropsychology 01-S2NEW04-F11082
- Neuroregulation of the cardiovascular system 01-S2NEW04-F11088
- Neurotoxicology 01-NEUROTOKS
- New generation pharmaceuticals 01-SUBSTCZYNN
- New technologies and environment 01-W-NOWTECH
- New technologies and environment 01-S1BT02-F00516
- Non-specialist elements in graduate practice 01-S1BT02-F00387
- Non-specialist elements in graduate practice 01-S1BI04-F00387
- Non-specialist elements in graduate practice 01-N1BL06-F00387
- Non-specialist elements in graduate practice 01-S1BL06-F00387
- Non-specialist elements in graduate practice 01-S1OS04-F00387
- Object-Oriented Designing and Programming 01-N-MK-BI-PROGOBI
- Object-oriented programming in C++ 01-W-CPROGOB
- Operating Systems 01-MK-BI-SYSTOPER
- Organisation and management of health care 01-S1BZ02-P01357
- Organization and management of health protection 01-BiZC-OCHZDROW
- Ornithology 01-S1NBP04-F00475
- Ornithology 01-N1BL06-F00475
- Ornithology 01-S1BL06-F00475
- Ornithology 01-S1OS04-F00475
- Outdoor nature education – Designing and teaching 01-W-BADTER
- Own business or work in a corporation 01-S2BZ03-F01174
- Own business or work in a corporation - a practical approach 01-W-FIRMKORP
- Own business or work in a corporation - a practical approach 01-W-FIRMKORP-Z
- Palaeoanthropology Workshops 01-S2NBP01-F13068
- PE: aquatherapy 01-BiZC-WFAQUTERP
- PE: physical recreation 01-BiZC-WFREKRU-1/2
- PE: physical recreation 01-BiZC-WFREKRU-2/2
- PE: swimming 01-BiZC-WFPLYW
- Pedagogical laboratory: evaluation of elementary school practices 01-MN-P01405
- Pedagogical laboratory: preparation for elementary school practice 01-MN-P01409
- Pedagogical laboratory: preparation for practice in secondary school 01-MN-P01406
- Pedagogical practice 01-N-PRAKPED-2
- Pedagogical practice 01-N-PRALPED-1
- Pedagogical practice 01-ZPB-PRAKTPEDAG
- Pedagogy 01-N-PEDAGO-1
- Pedagogy 01-N-PEDAGO-2
- Pedagogy Laboratory: Evaluation of teaching practice in a primary school part 1 01-LABPEDEWA
- Pedagogy Laboratory: Induction to teaching practice in a primary school 01-LABPEDPRZYG
- Pedagogy Laboratory: Induction to teaching practice in a primary school (part I) 01-LABPSYCH
- Pedagogy Laboratory: Induction to teaching practice in a secondary school part 2 01-LABPEDPRZ2-A
- Pedagogy of health 01-BiZC-PEDZDROW
- Pedagogy of health 01-S1BZ02-P01358
- Pesticides in the environment 01-S2OS01-F16141
- Phylogenetic analysis 01-MK-BI-ANAFIL
- Phylogenetic analysis 01-N-ANAFIL
- Phylogenetic analysis 01-N-ANAFIL-Z
- Phylogenetic analysis 01-BIN-ANAFIL
- Phylogenetic analysis 01-N-ANAFIL-NBP
- Phylogenetic analysis 01-S2BI01-P00001
- Phylogenetic analysis 01-S2NBP01-P00001
- Phylogenetic analysis 01-N2BL01-P00001
- Phylogenetic analysis 01-S2BL01-P00001
- Phylogeny of the Nervous System 01-W-FILNERW
- Physical and chemical basis of environmental assessment 01-S1OS02-P00452
- Physical and chemical basis of life 01-BiZC-FIZCHENZYC
- Physical and chemical basis of life 01-S1BZ01-P01345
- Physical education 01-WF
- Physical education 01-MK-WF-22
- Physical education 01-MK-WF-II
- Physical education 01-MK-WF-32
- Physical education 01-MK-WF
- Physical education - recreation 01-S1BZ01-F01349
- Physical education - recreation 01-S1BZ02-F01349
- Physical education - swimming 01-S1BZ01-F01350
- Physical education - swimming 01-S1BZ02-F01350
- Physical Recreation 01-BiZC-REKRUCH-1/2
- Physical Recreation 01-BiZC-REKRUCH-2/2
- Physical recreation 01-S1BZ01-F01352
- Physical recreation 01-S1BZ02-F01352
- Physico-chemical basis for environmental assessment 01-N-FIZPODOCE
- Physico-chemical basis for environmental assessment 01-22-FIZPODOCE-OS
- Physico-chemical basis of life 01-N-MK-BI-FIZCHEZYC
- Physico-chemical basis of life 01-N-FICHEMZYC
- Physico-chemical basis of life 01-N-FICHEMZYC-Z
- Physico-chemical basis of the functioning of the natural environment 01-N-FIZPODPRZY
- Physico-chemical basis of the functioning of the natural environment 01-22-FIZPODPRZY-OS
- Physicochemical basis of the natural environment 01-S1OS01-P00446
- Physicochemical fundamentals of life 01-N1BL01-P00557
- Physicochemical fundamentals of life 01-S1BL01-P00557
- Physics 01-N-FIZYKA
- Physics with astronomy 01-S1NBP01-P14730