Underwater Tourism 03-AP-UTO
Course learning content:
- introduction to diving,
- course overview,
- open water driver I,
- open water driver II,
- open water driver III,
- open water driver IV,
- underwater breathing problems,
- wonders of underwater world,
- underwater archeology,
- underwater archeology II,
- students presentations,
- students presentations II,
- students presentations III,
- students presentations IV,
- diving - the oppurtunities for tourism.
Cele kształcenia
Nakład pracy studenta (punkty ECTS)
Rodzaj przedmiotu
Koordynatorzy przedmiotu
Reading list:
Santella Ch., Fifty Places to Dive Before You Die, 2008.
Behnke L., Scuba Diving Hand Signals, 2015.
Brylske A., The Complete Diver: The History, Science and Practice of Scuba Diving, 2012.
Richardson D., PADI Open Water Diver Manual, 2007.
Więcej informacji
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