Practical Greek I
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Cele kształcenia
- teaching about grammatical system (inflection, syntax), lexis, methods of working with the ancient text,
- teaching translation skills (sentences, simple original texts with the use of dictionary),
- developing philological skills,
- teaching to notice the influence of ancient Greek culture and language on contemporary culture and modern languages
Kierunek studiów
Classical philology, Mediterranean studies
Metody prowadzenia zajęć umożliwiające osiągnięcie założonych EK
Module title
Symbol of module learning outcome* Symbol of module learning content# Methods of teaching and learning Assessment methods of LO achievement&
GL_01 LC_01, LC _02, LC _03, practical classes F – written test, checking skills during the translation of text
P – final written test (translation of an unknown original text, with a dictionary)
GL_02 LC_01, LC_02, LC_03, practical classes F – written test, checking skills during the translation of text
GL_03 LC_04 practical classes F – written test,
P – final written test (translation of an unknown original text, with a dictionary)
GL_04 LC_04 practical classes F – written test, checking skills during the translation of text
P – final written test (translation of an unknown original text, with a dictionary)
GL_05 LC_04 practical classes F – discussion during classes
GL_06 LC_04 practical classes F – discussion during classes, checking skills during the translation of text
Nakład pracy studenta (punkty ECTS)
Module title:
Activity types Mean number of hours* spent on each activity type
Contact hours with the teacher as specified in the programme 60
Independent study 1 30
Independent study 2 20
Independent study n# 20
Total hours 130
Total ECTS credits for the module 5 or 6
Rodzaj przedmiotu
Wymagania wstępne w zakresie wiedzy, umiejętności oraz kompetencji
Knowledge of English
Koordynatorzy przedmiotu
Efekty kształcenia
Learning outcomes symbol* Upon completion of the course, the student will: Reference to programme learning outcomes#
GL_01 know the grammatical system of Greek language (inflection, syntax) K_W05
GL_02 know basic Greek vocabulary K_W05
GL_03 translate aphorisms, prepared texts and simple original texts from Greek into English (with a dictionary) K_U04
GL_04 Interpret aphorisms, prepared texts and simple original texts from a liguistic and cultural point of view, using dictionaries and online resources K_U05, K_U01
GL_05 be able to acquire knowledge on his own and to develop research skills K_U03
GL_06 be able notice ancient inheritance of culture and language of ancient Greece in European culture K_K05
An Independent Study Guide to Reading Greek, 2nd ed., Cambridge 2008.
Balme, M., Lawall, G., Athenaze. An Introduction to Ancient Greek, Book I-II, 2nd ed., Oxford 2003.
North, M.A., Greek Prose Composition for Schools, repr., London 2003.
Smyth, H.W., Greek Grammar, Cambridge 1956
Więcej informacji
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