Study programmes
> Studies in foreign language
> History
> (in Polish) historia (ost. rek. 2019/2020)
(in Polish) historia (ost. rek. 2019/2020) (X-S1x-Historia)(in Polish: historia (ost. rek. 2019/2020)) | |
first cycle degree studies full-time, 6 semesters Language: Polish | Jump to:
Opis ogólny
No description for the programme.
Qualification awarded:
(in Polish) Licencjat na kierunku historia
Access to further studies:
second-cycle degree studies, postgraduate studies
Professional status:
During the first-cycle studies holders of this qualification have gained comprehensive and advanced knowledge in the field of Polish and universal history from early antiquity to the beginning of the 21st century as well as in the field of auxiliary sciences of history and related sciences, especially the humanities.
The skills acquired in the course of studies: analytical, independent thinking, problem-solving and solving research problems in individual and team work, have prepared holders of this qualification to work in many professions requiring independence, creativity, reliability in conducting research and disseminating its results individually and in team. The ability to use a modern foreign language at B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages of the Council of Europe and one ancient language allows holders of this qualification to read historical texts in these languages. An advanced command of a specialist language of history, spoken and written, together with the knowledge of various forms of expression and historical writing, allows students to express their knowledge and thoughts freely in the field of history. The skills of communication, negotiation and persuasion, as well as the use of modern information technologies, acquired in the course of study, allow for their effective application in the work of a historian.
During the first cycle studies, holders of this qualification have developed advanced social competences in the application of the rules of professional historian's ethics, protection and promotion of historical heritage in different environments and forms, promotion of historical knowledge with respect to different standpoints and points of view on the local, national and European past, development of knowledge and historical interests in connection with specific historical skills and social competences.
As history studies are highly individualized – students can focus on selected epochs, theoretical issues and practical skill, holders of this qualification can use highly specialized knowledge, skills and historical competences in their professional work and to develop them at a further stage of education.
Advanced knowledge, skills and competences in the field of history in connection with general humanistic knowledge enable holders of this qualification to continue historical research and to work in institutions of broadly understood historical culture.
Holders of this qualification are prepared to continue their education at second-cycle studies.
Upon completion of the first cycle studies, holders of this qualification are awarded a bachelor's degree.
Learning outcomes
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Learning outcomes for the field of study were specified by the Resolution No. 340/2011/2012 of the Senate of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań adopted on 25 June 2012. The Resolution with attachments is available on the website: