Courses at
Frontier Questions Research Unit
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- (in Polish) Zwierzęta i ludzie 23-PPG-23Z09
- (in Polish) Nauka i Sztuka w Ujęciu Trans- i Interdyscyplinarnym 23-PPG-23Z10
- (in Polish) U źródeł polskich studiów nad nauką. Droga do samodzielnej dyscypliny 31-WK20L10
- (in Polish) Literackie obrazy kobiet. Porównanie między-epokowe i międzykulturowe 23-PPGWK21L02
- (in Polish) Czy Polacy są biali? Polskie tożsamości i kwestia rasy 23-PPG
- (in Polish) Gender and Revolution 23-PPG1
- (in Polish) Polityki negacjonistyczne i populistyczne 23-PPG2
- (in Polish) Odmieńcy w historii i kulturze Europy Wschodniej 23-PPG3
- (in Polish) Natura i kultura. Spory o przyczynowość w narracji historycznej. Epidemie – studium przypadku. 23-PPG4
- (in Polish) Literackie obrazy kobiet. Porównanie międzyepokowe i międzykulturowe 23-PPGWK02
- (in Polish) Zaskakujące światy chrześcijan. Historia i współczesność 23-PPGWK22L10
- (in Polish) Diaspora aleksandryjska i jej literatura 23-PPGWY22L07
- (in Polish) Konwersatorium o wielkich książkach 23-PPG24L11
- (in Polish) Nauka i sztuka w ujęciu Trans- i Interdyscyplinarnym 23-PPG-24Z10
- (in Polish) Antropologia wczesnego chrześcijaństwa 23-PPG-24L08
- (in Polish) Nauka i Sztuka w Ujęciu Trans- i Interdyscyplinarnym 23-PPG-23Z12
- (in Polish) Trudne pytania w humanistyce 23-PPG-24Z04
- (in Polish) White Ignorance. Epistemology of race and domination 23-PPG-24Z06
- (in Polish) Zwierzęta i ludzie 23-PPG-24Z07
- (in Polish) Z perspektywy depresji - współczesna myśl niderlandzka 23-PPG-24Z08
- (in Polish) Czy warto dziś sięgać po zakurzoną literaturę rzymską? 23-PPG-24Z09
- (in Polish) Religie antyczne. Historia i stan badań 23-PPG-24Z11
- (in Polish) Wartości oraz zasady prawa traktowane poważnie 23-PPG-24Z14
- (in Polish) Wprowadzenie do psychologii społecznej 23-PPG-24Z15
- (in Polish) Islam i gender 23-PPG-25Z05
- (in Polish) Bohater masowy 23-PPG-25L01
- "Misfits" and non-normativity in Eastern European history and culture (OEW) 23-PPG-WYK23L05
- "Misfits" and non-normativity in the history and culture of Eastern Europe 23-PPGWY22L06
- “Freaks” and non-normativity in the history and culture of the Americas 23-PPG-24L10
- Animals and people 23-PPG-WK22Z09
- Animals and people 23-PPG-WK21Z06
- Anti-science strategies 23-PPG-24Z13
- Anti-Semitism. Conceptualizations and debates 23-PPG-23Z07
- Anti-vaccines, denialists and others. Contemporary wars with rationality and science. Negationist discourses 23-PPG-WK21Z04
- Are Poles white? Polish identities and the issue of race 23-PPGSW22L01
- Between idealism and realism. The art of the ancient Greeks and Romans 23-PPG-KO21Z10
- China's otherness 23-PPG-WK21Z08
- Climate changes. Science, politics, discourse, activism 31-SW19Z01
- Climate changes. Science, politics, discourse, activism 31-SW19Z01a
- Climate changes. Science, politics, discourse, activism - seminar 31-KO19Z02
- Community and culture of ancient Alexandria - II 23-PPG-WY21L13
- Complexed, rainbowed and sometimes rebellious biographies of Polish artists 31-WY20L14
- Critical analysis of religious and ecclesiastical institutions and traditions 31-WK20L12
- Crossing the boundaries. Introduction to transdisciplinary problems and research methods 23-PPGWK22L05
- Discursiveness of democracy in times of unrest 23-PPG-WK21L04
- Early Christian anthropology 23-PPGWY22L08
- Ethnomedicine - the area of transdisciplinary / interdisciplinary studies or an independent research discipline? 31-WY19Z11
- Europe. What happened? What's happening? 23-PPG-WK23L01
- European science from the perspective of the fate of academic elites p. I 31-WK19Z12
- Festival of dangerous ideas. Diagnosis and social criticism 23-PPG-KO21L02
- Gender and Revolution 23-PPGKO22L03
- Great books 23-PPG-23Z01
- Historical overview and main problems of 'rainbow' cinematography 23-PPG-23Z11
- History of Science - A Borderland Discipline 23-PPG-24Z12
- Homo religiosus p. I 31-WY19Z03
- Homo religiosus p. II 31-WY20L03
- Human rights? Animal rights? - II 23-PPG-WY21L11
- Introduction to critical Bible reading. P. I: Critical exegesis methods 31-WK19Z09
- Islam and gender 23-PPG-25L05
- Jews, Arabs, Europe: trajectories of identity and difference 23-PPG-KO21Z11
- Language and systems 23-PPG-WK21Z02
- LGBT themes and homoerotics in cinematography. Outline of the problem 23-PPG-WY21L08
- Literary and cinematic transgressions 23-PPG-WK23L02
- Literary and film depictions of a disaster 23-PPG-24L02
- Literary and film imaging of disaster and apocalypse 23-PPG-WK21L03
- Literary images of women. Inter-epochal and intercultural comparison 23-PPGWK22L02
- Literary journeys to the unknown p. I 31-WY19Z04
- Literary journeys to the unknown p. II 31-WY20L04
- Live in a phantasm. P. I: Religion and politics / political religion 31-WK19Z10
- Live in a phantasm. Video / new media as para-religions 31-WK20L13
- Love, erotica and sex in ancient cultures 23-PPG-23Z06
- Manipulations. Language and social practice 31-WK20L05
- Nature and culture. Disputes about causality in historical narrative. Epidemics – a case study 23-PPG-24L01
- Nature and culture. Disputes over causality in historical narrative. Epidemics - a case study 23-PPG-WY21L07
- Neo-patriarchy. A recurring idea of the hierarchical gender order 23-PPG-KO21L10
- Neo-patriarchy. A recurring idea of the hierarchical gender order 23-PPG-SEM23L03
- Paragraph and muse p. I 31-WY19Z07
- Paragraph and muse p. II 31-WY20L07
- People and machines. Disappearing borders 23-PPG-SW22Z01
- People and machines. Disappearing Borders (seminar) 23-PPG-WK22Z04
- People and machines. Disappearing Borders (seminar) group 2 23-PPG-WK22Z04a
- Polish reflection on the theory and history of photography from the belle epoque to socialist realism 31-KO20L08
- Politicality and counterpoliticality 23-PPG-WK21L05
- Practice to animals in the XXI century. Cultural differences in the treatment of animals 31-SW19Z08
- Public and civic discourses and the quality of democracy 23-PPGWK22L04
- Public life: teatrum – aporia – agony 23-PPG-24L04
- Reading of culture 23-PPG-24Z03
- Reflection on catastrophe and apocalypse 23-PPG-23Z02
- Religions and churches in public space. Expectations - doubts - disputes 23-PPG-SW21Z01
- Religions and churches in public space. Expectations - doubts - disputes (seminar) 23-PPG-KO21Z05
- Roads and wilderness of axiology - II 23-PPG-WY21L12
- Roberto Bolaño, 2666. Anatomy of architext 31-KO20L19
- Roberto Bolaño, 2666. Anatomy of architext 23-PPG-KO20Z06
- Roman Empire during the rule of the Julian-Claudian dynasty. Research history and new research perspectives. 31-KO20L01
- Romantic transgressions 23-PPG-WK22Z02
- Science and art in the light of consilience idea 31-WK19Z06
- Science and Art in the Trans- and Interdisciplinary Perspective 23-PPG-WK21Z07
- Science and Art in the Trans- and Interdisciplinary Perspective 23-PPG-WK22Z07
- Science in the circle of social emotions. Fears, controversies, ignorance 31-SW20L01
- Sciences and their virtuals 23-PPG-23Z05
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