Courses at
Faculty of History
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- (in Polish) Archiwum zakładowe 18-AZ-zparch
- (in Polish) Podstawy organizacji i zarządzania 18-POZ-zparch
- (in Polish) Rozwój form kancelaryjnych 18-RFK-zparch
- (in Polish) Seminarium doktoranckie Wydział Historii 18-SEM-48dd
- (in Polish) Przedmioty do kopiowania 18-TEST-LETNI
- (in Polish) Zajęcia dydaktyczne 18-ZD-35dd
- (in Polish) Zajęcia dydaktyczne 18-ZD-48dd
- (in Polish) Historyczno-polonistyczne proseminarium licencjackie 18-HPSEL-35hws2
- (in Polish) Z dziejów kinematografii rosyjskiej i radzieckiej, 1896-1991 18-ZKRiR-01usm2
- (in Polish) Wykład monograficzny: Nieformalne oblicza starożytności: ciało, miłość, tożsamość 18-NOSCMT-02wm2
- (in Polish) Archiwa w nowoczesnym społeczeństwie 18-AwNSp-02sm2
- (in Polish) Wykład monograficzny: Psy Pana. Życie codzienne w średniowiecznych klasztorach polskich dominikanów 18-PPŻCwSK-01wm2
- (in Polish) Krym - między Wschodem i Zachodem: aspekty historyczne i społeczno-ekonomiczne 18-KMWiZ-04UAM
- (in Polish) Klimat, przyroda i ludzie w XX wieku (zajęcia ogólnouniwersyteckie) 18-KPiL-03uUAM
- (in Polish) Studia środkowoeuropejskie: Życie codzienne w Europie Środkowej 18-ŻCwEŚ-02sm2
- (in Polish) Nauka umierania. Śmierć w kulturach starożytnych 18-NUŚwKS-04usm2
- (in Polish) Totalitaryzm i autorytaryzm pozaeuropejski 18-TiAP-02usm2
- (in Polish) Career and Soft Skills incorporating the use of AI 18-CaSSAI-PIE
- (in Polish) Wykład monograficzny: Wróżby i interpretacja przyszłości w czasach starożytnych i dziś 18-WiIPwCS-01wm2
- (in Polish) Społeczeństwo Rzeczypospolitej w epoce wczesnonowożytnej (XVI-XVIII w.) 18-SRwEW-02usm2
- (in Polish) Rozwój badań astronomicznych 18-RBA-35las2
- (in Polish) Psychologiczne konteksty zachowań ludzkich 18-PKZL-35las2
- (in Polish) Matematyka elementarna 18-ME-36las2
- (in Polish) Człowiek i środowisko 18-CiS-36las2
- (in Polish) Wykład monograficzny: Italia nowożytna. Polityka, społeczeństwo i kultura Półwyspu Apenińskiego od wojen włoskich do epoki napoleońskiej 18-INPSiK-02wm2
- (in Polish) Wykład monograficzny: "Demoludy" czyli słów kilka o krajach "demokracji ludowej" 18-DcSKoKDL-02wm2
- (in Polish) Wykład monograficzny: Od świtu do zmierzchu. Codzienność mieszkańców antycznego Rzymu 18-OŚdZCMAR-01wm2
- (in Polish) Myśl polityczna XIX i XX wieku 18-MPXIXiXX-01UAM
- Business conditions - classes 18-WPBc-35Wsch2
- Business conditions - lecture 18-WPBw-35Wsch2
- Media communication 18-KM-23Wsch2
- Science in the Middle Ages 18-NwS-12uhm2
- "Reclaimed lands" - politics and society 18-ZO-01usm2
- 18-19th Philosophy and Philosophers in historical context 18-PaPiHC-PIE
- 19th century civilisation 18-S1GED04-P01452
- A history of Entertainment in the USA 18-HoEUSA-PIE
- Access to public information 18-APiS2-12spged1
- Access to public information and personal data protection 18-DDIP-12APISged2
- Access to public information and personal data protection 18-S1GED02-F01434
- Activities 18-ZD-01ALL
- Administrative law 18-PrAd-36archiw2
- Administrative law and procedures 18-PiPA-24APISged2
- Administrative legislation 18-PrAdw-36archiw1
- Administrative legislation 18-PrAdw-36archiwe1
- Advanced Digital Humanities 18-S1LAA04-P02971
- Akkadian for advanced learners, part 1 18-JAdZ-01smJ2
- Akkadian for advanced learners, part 2 18-JAdZ-02smJ2
- Akkadian for beginners, part 1 18-JAdP-01smJ2
- Akkadian for beginners, part 2 18-JAdP-02smJ2
- An individual and social groups in the ancient world: Social groups at work 18-JiGwSA-04usm
- An individual and social groups in the ancient world: The ancient human being in politics, ideology and religion 18-JiGwSA-03usm
- An individual and social groups in the ancient world: The ancient society in the awareness of the ancient 18-JiGwSA-02usm
- An individual and social groups in the ancient world: The antient society in the light of sources 18-JiGwSA-01usm
- An introduction to history 18-S1HI01-P04590
- An introduction to history 18-S1HWS01-P04590
- Analysis of media and political discourse 18-ADPiM-24pm1
- Analysis of media and political discourse 18-ADPiM-12pm2
- Analysis of political and media discourse 18-S1HIpm02-P04674
- Analysis of the medieval source 18-AZS-12hm2
- Ancient civilisation - classes 18-CAc-11ged1
- Ancient civilisation - lecture 18-CAw-11ged1
- Ancient culture (Bible/Greek and Roman Antiquity) 18-KABAGiR-11hws
- Ancient Greek 18-S1LA01-F02992
- Ancient Greek 18-S1LA02-F02992
- Ancient Greek 18-S1LAA01-F02954
- Ancient Greek 18-S1LAA02-F02954
- Ancient Greek 18-S1LA03-F02992
- Ancient Greek 18-S1LA04-F02992
- Ancient Greek 18-S1LAA03-F02954
- Ancient Greek 18-S1LAA04-F02954
- Ancient history 18-HSc-11hws
- Ancient history 18-HSw-11hws
- Ancient history 18-S1HWS01-P06457
- Ancient history - classes 18-HSc-11hws2
- Ancient history - lecture 18-HSw-11hws2
- Ancient history - seminar 18-HSkon-11hws2
- Ancient Latin 18-S1LA01-F02991
- Ancient Latin 18-S1LA02-F02991
- Ancient Latin 18-S1LA03-F02991
- Ancient Latin 18-S1LA04-F02991
- Anthropocene, indigenous knowledges and alternative approaches to the past 18-AIKaAA-01sm2
- Anthropological determinants of scientific development 18-S1LA02-P02994
- Antique in the Black Sea basin. People, economy and architecture 18-AwBMC-01usm2
- Antique in the Black Sea basin. People, economy and architecture 18-S2KK01-F11632
- Antique in the Black Sea basin. People, economy and architecture (General University Classes) 18-AwBMC-03uUAM
- Antiquity of "barbaricum" peoples 18-S1HIm02-P13139
- Antiquity of peoples of the Barbaricum 18-SLB-12hm1
- Antiquity of peoples of the Barbaricum 18-SLB-12hm2
- Application of cartography in historical and military research 18-ZKwBHW-12uhw2
- Application of English to scientific research 18-S1LA02-P02997
- Application of English to scientific research 18-S1LA04-P02997
- Apprenticeship part 1: history in primary school 18-S1HIn04-P13224
- Apprenticeship part 2: history in secondary school 18-S2HIn03-P13221
- Apprenticeships 18-S1HI04-F00397
- Apprenticeships 18-S1HIm04-P00397
- Apprenticeships 18-S1HIpm04-P00397
- Apprenticeships 18-S1HIw04-P00397
- Archaeological sources in the workshop of a historian of ancient Greece and Rome, part 1 18-ZAwWH.1-01sm2
- Archaeological sources in the workshop of a historian of ancient Greece and Rome, part 2 18-ZAwWH.1-02sm2
- Archival finding aids 18-APIlab-24archiw1
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