Courses at
Institute of History
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- Practical learning of Latin 05-PNJLac-12ukk1
- Practical learning of Latin part 1st 05-PNJL-01smJ
- Practical learning of Latin part 2nd 05-PNJL-02smJ
- Practice in archives 05-PwA-24archiw1
- Practice in archives 05-PwA-24archiwe1
- Pre-industrial economy - Antiquity 05-GPreInSt-11ged1
- Pre-industrial economy - the Middle Ages 05-GPreInSr-12ged1
- Prehistory of the Polish lands - classes 05-PZPLc-11h1
- Prehistory of the Polish lands - classes 05-PZPLc-11he1
- Prehistory of the Polish lands - lecture 05-PZPLw-11h1
- Prehistory of the Polish lands - lecture 05-PZPLw-11he1
- Primary school student 05-UwSP-11hws
- Private history, local history: Economic and social aspects of regional history (illustrated with the example of Wielkopolska) 05-HPHL-02sm
- Private history, local history: Local history research methods 05-HPHL-01sm
- Private history, local history: Microhistory - studying everyday life (including family history and genealogy) 05-HPHL-03sm
- Private history, local history: Microhistory - studying everyday life (including family history and genealogy) 05-HPHL-03sme
- Private history, local history: Text edition and historical edition 05-HPHL-04sme
- Private history, local history: Text edition and historical edition 05-HPHL-04sm
- PRL known and unknown part 1: From June 56 to August 80 - Polish months 05-PRLziN1-02sm
- PRL known and unknown part 1: From June 56 to August 80 - Polish months 05-PRLziN1-02sme
- PRL known and unknown part 1: Wajda and not only - creators of the culture of the communist era 05-PRLziN1.2-01sme
- PRL known and unknown part 1: Wajda and not only - creators of the culture of the communist era 05-PRLziN1.2-01sm
- PRL known and unknown part 1: Where did the communists / ower elites in the People's Republic of Poland come from 05-PRLziN1.1-01sme
- PRL known and unknown part 1: Where did the communists / Power elites in the People's Republic of Poland come from 05-PRLziN1.1-01sm
- Prophylactic and conservation 05-PiK-35archiw1
- Prophylactic and conservation 05-PiK-35archiwe1
- Protection of cultural heritage 05o-ODK-24uek
- Protection of cultural heritage 05o-ODK-24uarchiw
- Protection of intellectual property 05-OWI-11ged1
- Psychological mechanisms of learning 05-PMU-12hws
- Psychology 05-PSCH-11hws
- Psychology - classes 05-PsychC-12uhisn1
- Psychology - classes 05-PsychC-11uhisnb1
- Psychology - lecture 05-PsychW-11uhisnb1
- Public administration in Poland after 1990 05-APiS1-12spged1
- Reception of classical culture: Importance of classical culture across centuries 05-RKK-01sme
- Reception of classical culture: Importance of classical culture across centuries 05-RKK-01sm
- Reception of classical culture: Reception of the Roman Empire in contemporary pop culture 05-RKK-02sm
- Records management - lecture 05-ZAw-12uarch1
- Regional studies and history of Greater Poland archives 05-RiDAW-23uarch1
- Regionalism in historical education 05-RwEH-35hisn1
- Religions in the Roman Empire 05-RCR-04usm
- Representative research into social and economic phenomena 05-APiS3-12spged1
- Research into global history 05-BDG-23uek1
- Research into global history 05-BDG-23uh1
- Research into history of culture 05-BDK-12uek1
- Research into history of culture 05-BDK-12uh1
- Research into history of political ideas 05-BDIP-24uek1
- Research into history of political ideas 05-BDIP-24uh1
- Research into regional history 05-BDR-23uek1
- Research into regional history 05-BDR-23uh1
- Research into social and economic history 05-BDSG-12uek1
- Research into social and economic history 05-BDSG-12uh1
- Research methods in historical sciences 05-MBwNH-11uh1
- Research methods in historical sciences 05-MBwNH-11uek1
- Research methods of a military historian 05-WPHW-12hw1
- Research methods of a military historian 05-WPHW-12hwe1
- Role of commanders in history 05-RDwD-11uek1
- Role of commanders in history 05-RDwD-11uhw1
- Roman law 05-PR-12ukk1
- School legislation 05-PO-36hws
- Secret records office and the protection of classified information 05-KTiOIN-23uek1
- Secret records office and the protection of classified information 05-KTiOIN-23uarch1
- Selected issues from the history of Byzantium: History of Roman and Byzantine military science 05-WZzHB-02usm
- Selected issues from the history of Byzantium: History of Roman and Byzantine military science 05-WZzHB-02usme
- Selected issues from the history of Byzantium: History of Turkish peoples in the early Middle Ages 05-WZzHB-01usm
- Selected issues from the history of Byzantium: History of Turkish peoples in the early Middle Ages 05-WZzHB-01usme
- Selected issues in Polish and general military history during WWII - Subject specialisation: Military history 05o-WPWWS-24uhisn14s
- Self-governance and economy: Economic and professional self-government 05-SiG-01smz
- Self-governance and economy: Local government 05-SiG2-02sm
- Self-governance and economy: Local government 05-SiG2-02smz
- Self-governance and economy: Local government 05-SiG2-02sme
- Self-governance and economy: Public finances 05-SiG-03sm
- Self-governance and economy: Public finances 05-SiG-03smz
- Self-governance and economy: Public-private partnership 05-SiG1-02sm
- Self-governance and economy: Public-private partnership 05-SiG1-02smz
- Self-governance and economy: Public-private partnership 05-SiG1-02sme
- Significance of strong points in the defence system in the 19th and 20th c. 05-ZPOwXX-12uhw1
- Significance of strong points in the defence system in the Middle Ages and the early modern period 05-ZPOwSiCN-11uhw1
- Social and economic history of the United States of America in the 20th c.: "Glory days” – the rise and fall of the American welfare state 05-HSGUSA1-03usm
- Social and economic history of the United States of America in the 20th c.: The US society and economy in the times of neoliberal economy 05-HSGUSA2-03usm
- Society and economy: Social ethics 05-SaG2-02sm
- Society and economy: Social self-organisation 05-SaG1-02sm
- Society and economy: Society, politics, economy 05-SaG1-01sm
- Society and economy: Society, politics, economy in figures 05-SaG2-01sm
- Sociology 05-Soc-12ged1
- Sources for ancient history 05-ZdES-11hws
- Sources for history of medieval Poland in European context 05o-ZDPSnTE-12hws
- Sources for the history of Poland in the 19th c. in European context 0o5-ZDPLXIXTE-24hws
- Sources for the history of Poland in the 20th/21st c. in European context 05-ZDPLXXTE-35hws
- Sources in history of Poland and general history - the Middle Ages 05-ZDPLiPS-12hws
- Sources in history of Poland and general history - 16th-18th c. 05-ZDPLiPXVIII-23hws
- Sources in history of Poland and general history - 19th century 05-ZDPLiPXIX-24hws
- Special needs student in Polish lessons 05-USPEnLJP-35hws
- Statistics and historical demography: Historical demography - tutorial 05-SiDH2-02sme
- Statistics and historical demography: Historical demography - tutorial 05-SiDH2-02sm
- Statistics and historical demography: Historical demography - lecture 05-SiDH1-02sme
- Statistics and historical demography: Historical demography - lecture 05-SiDH1-02sm
- Supplementary Courses 05-RJwDMC-02hisf2
- Supplementary Courses 05-SPwPLIIWS-02hisf2
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