Courses at
Institute of History
- First aid 05-PP-11hws
- Foreign archives and international archival cooperation 05-AziMWA-12uarch1
- Foreign language class - the technical language - Akkadian 05o-LekSAkadP-24uh1
- Foreign language class - the technical language - Classical Greek 05o-LekSGK-24uh1
- Foreign language class - the technical language - Czech 05o-LekSC-24uh1
- Foreign language class - the technical language - Czech 05o-LekSC-24uek1
- Foreign language class - the technical language - English 05o-LekSA-24uek
- Foreign language class - the technical language - English 05o-LekSA-24uh1
- Foreign language class - the technical language - French 05o-LekSF-24uh1
- Foreign language class - the technical language - German 05o-LekSN-24uek
- Foreign language class - the technical language - German 05o-LekSN-24uh1
- Foreign language class - the technical language - Italian 05o-LekSW-24uek
- Foreign language class - the technical language - Italian 05o-LekSW-24uh1
- Foreign language class - the technical language - Latin classic 05o-LekSLK-24uh1
- Foreign language class - the technical language - Latin medieval 05o-LekSLS-24uh1
- Forms of academic statements 05-FWA-12h1
- Forms of academic statements 05-FWA-12he1
- Forms of academic statements 05-FWA-12hz1
- Forms of the Roman Empire: Material culture of the Roman Empire 05-FCR-03sm
- Forms of the Roman Empire: Spiritual culture of the Roman Empire 05-FCR-04sm
- Forms of the Roman Empire: The history of the Roman Empire until 1204 part 1 05-FCRw1-01sm
- Forms of the Roman Empire: The history of the Roman Empire until 1204 part 1 05-FCRw1-01sme
- Forms of the Roman Empire: The history of the Roman Empire until 1204 part 2 05-FCRw2-02sm
- From literature to war: two faces of classical civilisation: Literary culture in Greece and Rome 05-OLdW-01sm
- From literature to war: two faces of classical civilisation: Literary culture in Greece and Rome 05-OLdW-01sme
- Fundamentals of Social Communication 05-PKS-12pm1
- Fundamentals of Social Communication 05-PKS-12pme1
- General didactics 05o-DO-12uhisnb
- General didactics 05-DO-23uhisnb1
- General didactics - classes 05-DydOgc-24hisn1
- General didactics - lecture 05-DydOgw-24hisn1
- General history of the 16th-18th c. 05-HPNc-24hz1
- General history of the 16th-18th c. 05-HPNw-24hz1
- General history of the 16th-18th c. 05-HPNc-24he1
- General history of the 16th-18th c. 05-HPNw-24he1
- General history of the 16th-18th c. - classes 05-HPNc-24h1
- General history of the 16th-18th c. - lecture 05-HPNw-24h1
- General history of the 19th c. 05-HPXIXc-35h1
- General history of the 19th c. 05-HPXIXw-35h1
- General history of the 19th c. 05-HPXIXc-35he1
- General history of the 20th-21st c. 05-HPXXIc-36h1
- General history of the 20th-21st c. 05-HPXXIw-36h1
- General history of the 20th-21st c. 05-HPXIXc-35hz1
- General history of the 20th-21st c. 05-HPXIXw-35he1
- General history of the 20th-21st c. 05-HPXIXw-35hz1
- General history of the 20th-21st c. 05-HPXXIc-36he1
- General history of the 20th-21st c. 05-HPXXIc-36hz1
- General history of the 20th-21st c. 05-HPXXIw-36he1
- General history of the 20th-21st c. 05-HPXXIw-36hz1
- General history of the Middle Ages 05-HPSc-23h1
- General history of the Middle Ages 05-HPSw-23h1
- General history of the Middle Ages 05-HPSc-23he1
- General history of the Middle Ages 05-HPSw-23he1
- General history: selected issues 05-WPzHPow-02sm
- General history: selected issues 05-WPzHPow-06sm
- General history: selected issues 05-WPzHPow-06sme
- Grand disputes of Polish medieval studies 05o-WDPLM-24uek
- Grand disputes of Polish medieval studies 05-WDPM-23uek1
- Great debates of the Polish medieval studies 05-WDPM-35hm1
- Greater Poland - regional history: culture of Greater Poland 05-WDR-1-02sm
- Greater Poland - regional history: Greater Poland and its inhabitants in the 19th and 20th c. 05-WDR-2-02sm
- Greater Poland - regional history: Greater Poland as a historical region 05-WDR-1-01sm
- Greater Poland - regional history: Poznań – capital of Greater Poland 05-WDR-2-01sm
- Greater Poland in the 20th century part 1 05-WwXXw-01usm
- Greater Poland in the 20th century part 2 05-WwXXw-02usm
- Heraldry and sphragistics 05-HiS-35hm1
- Historical and political journalism 05-PHiP-11uek1
- Historical and political journalism 05-PHiP-11upm1
- Historical communication: Editing large documents 05-KH2-02sm
- Historical communication: Forms of visualisation of results of historical research 05-KH2-01sm
- Historical communication: Graphic presentation of historical quantitative data 05-KH1-01sm
- Historical communication: Rhetorics and historical narration 05-KH1-02sm
- Historical culture 05-KH-35hisn1
- Historical culture 05-KHwar-36hisn1
- Historical culture - classes 05-KHc-36hisn1
- Historical culture animation 05-AKH-35hws
- Historical demographics 05-DH-11ged1
- Historical development of Polish language 05-WoHRP-23hws
- Historical forgery and mystifications: Modernity (16th-20th c.) 05-FiMH-03sm
- Historical forgery and mystifications: Modernity (16th-20th c.) 05-FiMH-03sme
- Historical politics - a theoretical approach 05-PH-01usm
- Historical politics - an analysis of selected countries 05-PH1-02usm
- Historical sources in school education 05-ZWHwES-23hws
- Historical statistics 05-SH-12ged1
- Historiography of modern Poland - Subject specialisations: History of the modern early period 05o-HPLDN-24uhis03s
- Historiography of modern Poland - Subject specialisations: History of the modern early period 05o-HPLDN-24uh03s
- History - society - culture 05o-HSK-12uhisn
- History - society - culture (classes) 05-HSKc-11uhisnk1
- History - society - culture (lecture) 05-HSKw-23uhisnk1
- History - society - culture (tutorial) 05-HSKk-11uhisnk1
- History and cultural heritage of the region 05-HiDKR-24hws
- History in the 16th-18th c. - overview of sources 05-HNpz-24h1
- History in the 16th-18th c. - overview of sources 05-HNpz-24hz1
- History in the 16th-18th c. - overview of sources 05-HPNpz-24he1
- History in the digital age: Historical narrative and social identity in the digital reality 05-HwEC-02smz
- History in the digital age: Information and knowledge in the digital world 05-HwEC-01smz
- History in the internet - Subject specialisation: Visual media in historical research 05o-HwI-24uh09s
- History of 20th/21st century Poland in European context 05-HPLXXTEc-36hws
- History of 20th/21st century Poland in European context 05-HPLXXTEk-35hws
- History of 20th/21st century Poland in European context 05-HPLXXTEw-36hws