Courses at
(in Polish) Instytut Filologii Klasycznej
- (in Polish) Język łaciński III 03-JLIII-32SMDL
- (in Polish) Język łaciński z elementami kultury antycznej I 03-JLE-22SMDL
- (in Polish) Historia literatury polskiej (pozytywizm - Młoda Polska) 03-HLP-22LPDL-E
- (in Polish) Nauka o współczesnym języku polskim 03-NJP-31LPDL-E
- (in Polish) Tutorial łaciński: Konwencja, prawda i manipulacja w elegiach wygnańczych Owidiusza 03-TL-KPM
- (in Polish) Język łaciński 03-JL-32LPDL
- (in Polish) Leksykologia i leksykografia 03-LL-32LPDL
- (in Polish) Seminarium licencjackie 03-SL-32LPDL
- (in Polish) Toposy i motywy antyczne w literaturze i sztuce 03-TMA-32LPDL
- (in Polish) Tutorial łaciński: Jak pisano historię? 03-TL-JPH
- (in Polish) Język łaciński z elementami kultury antycznej II 03-JLE-31SMDL
- (in Polish) Seminarium magisterskie 03-SM-21SMDM
- (in Polish) Motywy tanatyczne w twórczości Wergiliusza 03-A-MTT
- (in Polish) Conversatorium Latinum 03-CLA-32KDL
- (in Polish) Język łaciński z elementami kultury antycznej II 03-JLE-32SMDL-E
- (in Polish) China and the West 03-F-CTW
- (in Polish) Hermes, Hermetism and the Hermetic: A Historical Survey 03-F-HS
- (in Polish) A History of Western Magic 03-F-HWM
- (in Polish) Tutorial łaciński: Ćwiczenia duchowe w "Wyznaniach" św. Augustyna 03-TL-CDW
- (in Polish) St. Cicero and The Jesuits 03-F-SCJ
- (in Polish) Warsztaty nowołacińskie: tłumaczenie traktatu "Ascensiones spirituals" Gerarda Zerbolta z Zutphen (1367-98) 03-F-WNT
- Academic Entrepreneurship 03-PA-21KDM
- Academic Entrepreneurship 03-PA-11SMDM
- Ancient Art in the Contexts of Classical Literature 03-SAK-21KDL
- Ancient Culture in Tourism - specialisation: Cultural Heritage Tourism of the Mediterranean Region 03-KAE-22SMDM
- Ancient Culture in Tourism - specialisation: Cultural Heritage Tourism of the Mediterranean Region 03-KAE-12SMDM
- Ancient Literature in Translation (Selected Problems) 03-F-PLA
- Ancient Literature in Translation (Selected Problems) 03-A-PP
- Ancient Motifs in Literature and Arts 03-MAL-31KDL
- Ancient Motifs in Literature and Arts 03-MAL-31SMDL
- Ancient Topoi and Motifs in Literature and Arts 03-TMA-32SMDL-E
- Ancient Topoi in Literature and Arts 03-TAL-32KDL
- Ancient Topoi in Literature and Arts 03-TAL-32SMDL
- Antiquity and Contemporary Literary Studies 03-AWT-21KDL-E
- Antiquity and Contemporary Literary Studies 03-AWT-31SMDL
- B.A. Seminar 03-SL-32SMDL
- Bachelor’s Dissertation Tutorial (With Bachelor’s Dissertation) 03-TL-32KDL
- Business Basics 03-PRZ-31KDL
- Business Basics 03-PRZ-31SMDL
- Classical Literature and the Question of Translation 03-A-LAP
- Comparative Literature 03-KL-31SMDL
- Cruiser Tourism - specialisation: Cultural Heritage Tourism of the Mediterranean Region 03-TC-22SMDM
- Cruiser Tourism - specialisation: Cultural Heritage Tourism of the Mediterranean Region 03-TC-12SMDM
- Cultural Heritage Interpretation 03-IDK-12SMDM
- Culture and Language of a Chosen Mediterranean Country I 03-KJK-12SMDL-E
- Culture and Language of a Chosen Mediterranean Country II 03-KJK-22SMDL-E
- Culture and Language of a Chosen Mediterranean Country II 03-KJK-21SMDL
- Culture and Language of a Chosen Mediterranean Country III 03-KJK-31SMDL
- Culture and Language of a Chosen Mediterranean Country III 03-KJK-32SMDL
- Culture of Baroque and the Enlightenment 03-KBO-32LPDL
- Early Greek Christian Literature 03-LGT-32SMDL
- Early Greek Conceptions of Mind 03-A-WKU
- Emperor and Poet: (Marcus Aurelius and Oppian) 03-TG-CP
- Functioning of cultural institutions 03-F-FIK
- Fundamentals of Intercultural Communication 03-F-PKM
- Greek Tutorial: „To which people I have come again" or Odysseus among the Phaeacians 03-TG-DJL
- Greek Tutorial: Greek Ritual and Cult Practices in the Light of Literary Sources 03-TG-GOR
- Greek Tutorial: Hellenistic Poetry 03-TG-PA
- Greek Tutorial: Poetry and its Tasks in the Light of Selected Works of Greek Poets 03-TG-PJZ
- Greek Tutorial: Spiritual Exercises in Marcus Aurelius' Meditations 03-TG-CDR
- Greek Tutorial: The Delphic Oracle in the Writings of Plutarch of Chaeronea 03-TG-WD
- Greeks on Sympotic Customs 03-TG-GOZ
- International Cultural Relations 03-F-MST
- Interpersonal Communication and Business Presentations 03-F-KIP
- Introduction to Medio- and Neo-Latin Studies 03-WMN-21KDL
- Justice in the Greek Literature of the Archaic and Classical Periods 03-A-SLG
- Latin in Polish and European Culture 03-LWK-22SMDM
- Latin Inscriptions in Poznań 03-A-IŁ
- Latin Language with Elements of Ancient Culture I 03-JLE-12SMDL
- Latin Language with Elements of Ancient Culture II 03-JLZ-21SMDL
- Latin Language with Elements of Ancient Culture II 03-JLZ-22SMDL
- Latin Language with Elements of Ancient Culture III 03-JLZ-31SMDL
- Latin Language with Elements of Ancient Culture III 03-JLZ-32SMDL-E
- Latin Literature and its Geopoetics 03-A-LLG
- Latin Tutorial 03-TŁ
- Latin Tutorial / Greek Tutorial 03-TLGL-22SMDM
- Latin Tutorial / Greek Tutorial 03-TLGL-12SMDM
- Latin Tutorial: Cloudless Roman Night. Moon and Stars in Augustan Poetry 03-TL-BRN
- Latin Tutorial: Film adaptations of Roman literature 03-TL-AFD
- Latin Tutorial: Humanistic Renaissance Comedy 03-TL-RKH
- Latin Tutorial: Ovid's Recipe for Love (Ars amatoria) 03-TL-OR
- Latin Tutorial: Peregrination to the Holy Land with Egeria, a Pilgrim (4th c.) 03-TL-PZS
- Latin Tutorial: Plautus' vis Comica and its Types (Curculio by Plautus) 03-TL-KO
- Latin Tutorial: The Romans and their Letters 03-TL-RIL
- Market Organisation and Functioning - specialisation: Cultural Heritage Tourism of the Mediterranean Region 03-OF-22SMDM
- Master's Thesis Tutorial 03-TM-22KDM
- Master's Thesis Tutorial with Master's Thesis 03-TMP-22SMDM
- Master's Thesis Tutorial with Master's Thesis 03-TMPII-21SMDM
- Mediterranean Political Systems - Facultative Course 03-SSP-11SMDM
- Mirabilia of the East - Asia depited in the Latin letters, relations and treatises by the European travelers in 13-18th c. 03-A-MW
- Open Source Software and Free Data in Tourism 03-F-ODT
- Oriental Influences on Greek Culture 03-F-WO
- Oriental Influences on Greek Culture 03-A-WO
- Philhellenism 03-F-22SMDM
- Practical Latin 03-PNL-32KDL-E
- Practical Latin 03-PNJL-22SMDM-E
- Practical Rhetorics 03-PR-22SMDM
- Praxeology of Tourist Agency - specialisation: Cultural Heritage Tourism of the Mediterranean Region 03-PPB-21SMDM
- Praxeology of Tourist Agency - specialisation: Cultural Heritage Tourism of the Mediterranean Region 03-PPB-11SMDM
- Problems of Copyright 03-PC-22MSDM