Introduction to Literary Sciences 03-ILS-33
Students: 1) gain the basic knowledge of: the place of literary studies in the humanities; relationships between literary studies and other disciplines (linguistics, philosophy, sociology, psychology, cultural studies etc.); basic literary notions (period, movement, convention, author, literary work, the reader etc.); history of literary scholarship; present condition of literary studies; 2) gain the understanding of : the role of literary scholarship in the humanities and general culture; research methods specific to the literary studies; the difference between professional and colloquial approaches to literature; 3) gain the skills necessary to: comprehend and summarize scholarly articles, as well as comment upon them; use properly basic literary terminology; prepare in class oral presentations; conduct the library querry and research; contextualize acquired knowledge; compare different literary theories; summarize discussions and draw conclusions; work with others.
J.Krzyżanowski, Nauka o literaturze, Wrocław 1969;
S.Sawicki, Uwagi o analizie utworu literackiego, w: Problemy teorii literatury, seria I, Wrocław 1987;
M.Głowiński, A.Okopień-Sławińska, J.Sławiński, Zarys teorii literatury, wyd. 6 popr., Warszawa 1991;
A.Burzyńska, M.P.Markowski, Teorie literatury XX wieku, Kraków 2006.
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