Rivers as boundaries – cooperation in International river basin districts 36-PNIB-RB-11
Week 1 (26.02.2017): Introduction of European water policy, definition of international river basin district
Week 2 (05.03.2017): Presentation and characteristic of National and International River Basin Districts
Week 3 (12.03.2017): Experiences and challenges from the first cycles of planning in the international river basin districts
Week 4 (19.03.2017): Identification of appropriate competent authority for the application and cooperation in the international river basin districts
Week 5 (26.03.2017): Determination of the biological and chemical conditions of border water bodies
Week 6 (09.04.2017): Identification of main problems in terms of water management of border and cross-border water bodies
Week 7 (16.04.2017): Identification of extra-regional problems related to water management
Week 8 (23.04.2017): Transboundary water management in the International Oder River Basin District
Week 9 (07.05.2017): Transboundary water management in the International Torne River Basin District
Week 10 (14.05.2017): Conclusion
Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a framework for the Community action in the field of water policy
Jager N.W., 2016. Transboundary Cooperation in European Water Governance – A set-theoretic analysis of International River Basins. Environmental Policy and Governance, Volume 26/4, 278–291.
Suykens C., 2015. EU Water Quantity Management in International River Basin Districts: Crystal Clear? European Energy and Environmental Law Review, 24(6), 134-143.
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