White ignorance. Epistemology of race and domination 23-PIE-ERD
- https://amupie.amu.edu.pl/1263/details (w cyklu 2023/SZ)
- https://amupie.amu.edu.pl/1791/details (w cyklu 2024/SZ)
The aim of the course is to examine a phenomenon of "white ignorance" and discuss its role in stabilising systems of racialised inequalities that have operated both in present-day and historical societies of the modern period. The course will start with presentation of the most important theories of white domination developed in social sciences, philosophy and cultural studies. We will particularly focus on the epistemological aspect of this domination and analyse societal mechanisms that link power relations with the processes of knowledge (and "unknowledge") production. During the classes we will discuss selected instances of historical events and experiences, both individual and collective, that have become objects of such "unknowledge", and examine political as well as psychological stakes involved in its creation and perpetuation. The course will conclude with discussion on the prospects of overcoming "white ignorance" and with posing a question regarding adequate forms of knowledge (as well as standards of knowledge production) that could replace it.
W cyklu 2023/SZ:
Tuesdays, 13.30-15.00 Room 046, Collegium Heliodori, Grunwaldzka 6 FIRST MEETING: 10th October 2023 The aim of the course is to examine a phenomenon of "white ignorance" and discuss its role in stabilising systems of racialised inequalities that have operated both in present-day and historical societies of the modern period. The course will start with presentation of the most important theories of white domination developed in social sciences, philosophy and cultural studies. We will particularly focus on the epistemological aspect of this domination and analyse societal mechanisms that link power relations with the processes of knowledge (and "unknowledge") production. During the classes we will discuss selected instances of historical events and experiences, both individual and collective, that have become objects of such "unknowledge", and examine political as well as psychological stakes involved in its creation and perpetuation. The course will conclude with discussion on the prospects of overcoming "white ignorance" and with posing a question regarding adequate forms of knowledge (as well as standards of knowledge production) that could replace it. |
W cyklu 2024/SZ:
The aim of the course is to examine a phenomenon of "white ignorance" and discuss its role in stabilising systems of racialised inequalities that have operated both in present-day and historical societies of the modern period. The course will start with presentation of the most important theories of white domination that have been developed in social sciences, philosophy and cultural studies. We will particularly focus on the epistemological aspect of this domination and analyse societal mechanisms that link power relations with the processes of knowledge (and "unknowledge") production. During the classes we will discuss selected instances of historical events and experiences, both individual and collective, that have become objects of such "unknowledge", and examine political as well as psychological stakes involved in its creation and perpetuation. The course will conclude with discussion on the prospects of overcoming "white ignorance" and with posing a question regarding adequate forms of knowledge (as well as standards of knowledge production) that could replace it. |
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