Dialogue in Latin America: Philosophy and Literature 22-FLFA-DLA
Week 1: Organizational
Week 2: Pensamiento situado Dialogue South-South
Week 3: Post-colonial turn in Philosophy
Week 4: Philosophy of Liberation
Week 5: Paulo Freire
Week 6: Juan Rulfo
Week 7: Juan Carlos Onetti
Week 8: Ernesto Sabato
Week 9: Jorge Luis Borges
Week 10: Elena Garro
Week 11: Victoria Ocampo
Week 12: Clarice Lispector, Carolina Maria de Jesus
Week 13: Julio Cortázar
Week 14: Eduardo Galeano
Week 15: Perspectives
Moduł zajęć/przedmiotu prowadzony zdalnie (e-learning)
Nakład pracy studenta (punkty ECTS)
Wymagania wstępne w zakresie wiedzy, umiejętności oraz kompetencji
Kryteria oceniania
Excerpts from the literary work of representants of “el boom latinoamericano”: Rulfo, Onetti, Sabato, Borges, Garro, Cortázar, Galeano.
Excerpts from the literary and autobiographical work of Calrice Lispector, Carolina Maria de Jesus, Victoria Ocampo
Dussel E., (1985), Philosophy of Liberation, trans. from the Spanish by A. Martinez, C. Morkovsky. Maryknoll NY, New York, Orbis Books.
Freire P., (1996), Pedagogy of the Oppressed, London, Penguin Books.
Gan-Krzywoszyńska, K.; Leśniewski P., (2014), “The Kindly Ones (Les Bienveillantes): Red Herrings in a Theory of Intercultural Rationality”. In Philosophical Challenges of Plurality in a Global World, Díaz-Soto, D., Manzanero, D., Thoilliez, B. (eds), Cambridge Scholars Publishing: Newcastle upon Tyne, pp. 177-198.
Gan-Krzywoszyńska, K., Leśniewski P., (2016), “Analogies in the Meta-Methodology of the Humanities”, Studia Metodologiczne 37, pp. 241-254.
Latin American Philosophy, Currents, Issues, Debates, 2003, ed. Eduardo Mendieta, Indiana University Press.
Paz O. (1990), In Search of the Present
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