Strategies for protection and management of archaeological heritage in Poland 19-SPM-AMU-PIE
Week 1. Introduction
Week 2. Main concepts and notions: a monument, heritage (in broader and narrow sense), cultural landscape etc.
Week 3. The beginning of the formation of protection of monuments and cultural goods in Europe, especially in Poland (until 1918).
Week 4. The protection of archaeological heritage after the WWII.
Week 5. Heritage and transformation in Poland after 1989.
Week 6. Cultural heritage values vs. archaeological heritage.
Week 7. Protection and care of cultural heritage.
Week 8. Conventions related to protection of heritage, including archaeological heritage – pt. 1.
Week 9. Conventions related to protection of heritage, including archaeological heritage – pt. 2.
Week 10. The protection of historical towns.
Week 11. Heritage and local development: towards a sustainable development.
Week 12. Archaeological heritage and its stakeholders.
Week 13. The legal frameworks of dissemination of archaeological heritage sites.
Week 14. Main challenges and threats to protection archaeological heritage in Poland.
Week 15. Discussion.
Koordynatorzy przedmiotu
Efekty kształcenia
This course addresses issues related to strategies of protection of archaeological monuments and heritage in Poland, analyzed in the broader European context. It presents legal framework of protection of archaeological monuments in the historical perspective. During the course students will be familiarized with legislative documents regulating the protection of cultural and archaeological heritage in Poland. They will be acquainted with conventions, regulations and acts as well as with organizational structures and bodies responsible for the protection of cultural (archaeological) heritage. During the course also issues of the role of archaeological heritage in the local development, archaeological heritage stakeholders and frameworks of dissemination of archaeological heritage sites will be discussed. The course objectives is to provide students with the knowledge of legal system defining rules and practice in the domain of protection and management of archaeological heritage in Poland in a historical perspective as well as political, social, and economic context of changes in these regulations.
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Szmygin B. 2015. (ed.), Heritage value assessment systems – the problems and the current state of research, Lublin, Warszawa. Available at:
Szmygin B. 2016. Protection of historic monuments and sites – achievements, problems, perspectives. In Heritage in transformation: cultural heritage protection in XXI century: problems, challenges, predictions, B. Szmygin (ed.), Florence, Lublin, 191-200. Available at:
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