Integrated protection and management of archaeological and natural heritage 19-IPM-AMU-PIE
Week 1: Introduction
Week 2: Crossing disciplinary boundaries to safeguard natural and cultural heritage
Week 3: Europe's cultural landscapes: opportunities and threats
Week 4: Heritage strategies – what, why and where
Week 5: Heritage strategies - by whom and for whom
Week 6: Nature conservation for cultural heritage
Week 7: Cultural heritage management for nature heritage
Week 8: Traverse the disciplines of ecology and archaeology: the new horizon
Week 9: Integrating heritage in land use planning
Week 10: Ownership of integrated natural and cultural heritage – regulations, forms and structures
Week 11: Benefits – new understanding of the role of integrated natural and cultural heritage
Week 12: Participatory practices in natural and cultural heritage: networks and communities of practice (CoP), online and offline communities
Week 13: Participatory practices in natural and cultural heritage - public discourses, finance and participation.
Week 14: Project preparation
Week 15: Project presentation - discussion
Koordynatorzy przedmiotu
Efekty kształcenia
As archaeological heritage comprises a distinct part of culture heritage and the nature is an intrinsic element of the past shared culture heritage conforming the local identity, the module intends to focus on different facets of integration of both types of heritage. As these two types of heritage operate in two largely impenetrable organizational frameworks, common concerns of both cultural and natural heritage have hardly
been systematically defined. Hence, the module’s objectives involve presentation of different aspects of integration of cultural and natural heritage. It aims at understanding the environmental impact of cultural heritage and significance of natural heritage for regulations and practices in the domain of cultural heritage. It also fostered the assessment of transversal skills and promote the take-up of practical entrepreneurial experiences in education and training.
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Ahern, J. 2006, Theories, methods and strategies for sustainable landscape planning. From landscape research to landscape planning. Aspects of integration, education and application, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 119-131.
Allaby, M./ C. Park (eds.) 2013, A dictionary of environment and conservation. Oxford University Press.
Antrop, M. 2000, Background concepts for integrated landscape analysis , in Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment (77, 1-2), pp. 17-28.
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Bell, M. 2004, Archaeology and Green Issues, in Bintliff J. (ed.) A Companion to Archaeology, Malden (MA), Oxford (UK), Victoria (AU), Blackwell Publishing, pp. 509-531.
Brown, M. 2005. Heritage Trouble: Recent Work on the Protection of Intangible Cultural Property. International Journal of Cultural Property 12: 40-61.
Chilton, E./ N. Silberman 2010, Heritage in Conflict and Consensus: towards an international agenda for the twenty-first century, in Museum International 62 (1-2), pp. 6-8.
Egoz, S./J. Makhzoumi/G. Pungetti (eds.) 2011, The right to landscape: contesting landscape and human rights, London, Ashgate.
Jongman, R. H. 1995. Nature conservation planning in Europe: developing ecological networks. Landscape and urban planning (32-03), pp. 169-183.
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Skoglund P./ E. Svensson 2010, Discourses of nature conservation and heritage management in the past, present and future: Discussing heritage and sustainable development from Swedish experiences, European Journal of Archaeology (13-3), pp. 368-385.
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