Ekolingwistyka języków celtyckich 15-EJC-CE-11
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Rok studiów (jeśli obowiązuje)
Drysdale, Helena. 2002. Mother Tongues: Travels through Tribal Europe. London: Pan Macmillan.
Kandler, Anne, Roman Unger and James Steele. 2010. Language shift, bilingualism and the future of Britain’s Celtic languages. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 12 December 2010 (365: 1559), 3855-3864
Ó Néill, Diarmuid. 2005. Rebuilding the Celtic Languages: Reversing Language Shift in the Celtic Countries. Talybont: Y Lolfa.
Petro, Pamela. 2009. Travels in an Old Tongue: Touring the World Speaking Welsh. London: Harper Collins.
Tanner, Marcus. 2006. The Last of the Celts. Yale University Press.
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