Law of Obligation. Roman Foundations of European Legal Tradition 10-LORFELT-w-Erasm
Historical development of Roman law; Civilian tradition as the part of Western Legal Tradition; The concept of obligation, sources of obligations; Towards the principle freedom of contract;Civil liability (bonae fidei contracts, aquilian responsability, strict liability); From contractus in ancient Roman law to the modern concept of contract; Good faith and good customs in contra law; Stipulatio – an archetyp of contract; Emptio venditio, permutation, donatio– contract and transfer of property
Mutuum, commodatum , locatio conditio rei – contract and use of capital or the thing offered by another person; Mandatum, depositum, location conductio operis and operarum – contracts of services ; Unjustified enrichment; The concept of delict, taxnonomy of delicts in ancient Roman Law; From Lex Aquilia to aquilian responsibility. Towards to the general delictual clause; Polish law of obligations in the light of civilian tradition
Rodzaj przedmiotu
Kryteria oceniania
Oral examination consisting of 3 descriptive questions: 1general question from ancient Roman law 2) analysis the case from Justinian’s Digest 3) comparative analyse Roman rule’s and the modern law
R. Zimmermann, The Law of Obligations. Roman Foundations of the Civilian Tradition, Oxford 1996
W. Dajczak, Historical development of private law in Poland, in: Handbook of Polish Law, W. Dajczak, A. J. Szwarc, P. Wiliński (ed.), Warszawa 2011, p. 42 – 58.
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