Introduction to the Intellectual Property Law 10-IIPL-w-Erasm
The term Intellectual Property refers broadly to creations of the human mind. IP rights protect the interests of creators by giving them property rights over their creations. The lecture will focus on two branches of IP Law : Copyright Law and Industrial Property Law.
Copyright applies to a wide range of creative, intellectual, or artistic forms, or works.
Industrial property has as its object patents, utility models, industrial designs, trademarks, service marks, trade names, indications of source or appellations of origin, and the repression of unfair competition.
The law grants the creators an exclusive rights for a limited period of time. After this time the object of protection is available for everybody. It belongs to public domain.
Week 1 Main legal acts. The role of IP Law. Do We Really Need IP Law ?
Week 2 Introduction to the International Copyright Law. Bern Convention.
Week 3 European and Polish Copyright Law.
Week 4 Subject and Object of Copyright Law.
Week 5 Computer Law. The Protection of Computer Programms.
Week 6 Neighbouring Rights.
Week 7 Introduction to the International Industrial Property Law.
Week 8 European and Polish Industrial Property Law. Main problems.
Week 9 Inventions and Patents. European Patent Law.
Week 10 Protection of Utility Design.
Week 11 Design protection in Poland and in the EU.
Week 12 Trademark protection in Poland and in the EU.
Week 13 Geographical indication.
Week 14 Claims in IP Law. The judical protection.
Week 15 Exam and Summary.
The main idea of the lecture is to provide students with the basic knowledge of IP Law and also with practical skills. Students have to solve many cases in order to understand the main principles of IP Law.
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Exam (solving the case)
1. The selected Legal Acts and Cases Law of Polish Courts and European Courts of Justice. (Paris and Bern Convention, TRIPS Agreement, Copyright Law, Industrial Property Law)
2. Web pages :
3. Books :
Intellectual Property Handbook: Policy, Law and Use, WIPO Publication No.489
M. Howe, Russel-Clarke and Howe on Industrial Design, London 2005
D. Musker, Community Design Law. Principles and Practice, London 2002
4. Articles :
The students will be obliged to read articles before every lecture. The articles will be given to students a week before every lecture
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