Natural environment of Central Europe 07-NECE-AMU-PIE
The course offers an overview of the distribution of natural phenomena on the territory of Central Europe with special emphasis put on Poland. The natural environment features of such countries as Poland, Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia will be discussed in the context of variability of physical geography of Europe. The European context is essential to observe relationships among various phenomena of this region.
Week 1 Regional delimitation - history, theory and practice.
Week 2 Relationships between environmental conditions of Central Europe against the background of European environment
Week 3 Development of the natural environment in geological time-scale: from Archean to Mesozoic
Week 4 Development of the natural environment in geological time-scale: Cainozoic
Week 5 Contemporary environment: geology
Week 6 Contemporary environment: geomorphology
Week 7 Contemporary environment: climate
Week 8 Contemporary environment: hydrology
Week 9 Contemporary environment: biosphere
Week 10 Contemporary environment: soils
Week 11 Central Europe, regional overview: mountains and uplands
Week 12 Central Europe, regional overview: lowlands
Week 13 The Baltic Sea and its coast
Week 14 National Parks and other forms of environmental protection
Week 15 Selected trips around Central Europe: a virtual excursion
Kryteria oceniania
Written test
Moores E.M., Fairbridge R.W., 1997: Encyclopaedia of European and Asian Regional Geology. Chapmann & Hall
T. McCann (ed.), 2008: The Geology of Central Europe, vol. 1 & 2. The Geological Society of London Publications
Stankowski W. , 1976: Rozwój środowiska fizyczno-geograficznego Polski. PWN Warszawa
Starkel L. (ed.), 1991: Geografia Polski - środowisko przyrodnicze. PWN W-wa
A selection of papers on Poland's geography
Internet websites, e.g.
Więcej informacji
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