Geology of Poland 07-GPOL-AMU-PIE
The course presents fundamentals of the geological structure of Poland and its evolution, viewed in the context of global and European geology. Particular geological units are separately discussed, what is followed by a synthetic summary in the final part of the course. The information about Polish mineral and rock resources: their types, and extraction, is provided. With the special account of international students' expectations, the course presents also the panorama of geological touristic attractions located in Poland. One of them, located in Poznań, is visited during the course.
Week 1 History of Polish geology.
Week 2 Geology of Poland at the background of global and European geology.
Week 3 Main geological units of Poland – introduction.
Week 4 East-European Platform in Poland.
Palaeozoic of Pomerania, Małopolska and Upper Silesia.
Week 5 Geology of Góry Świętokrzyskie (the Holy Cross Montains).
Week 6 Geology of the Sudetes and the Fore-Sudetic Block.
Week 7 Geology of the Upper Silesian Foredeep.
Week 8 Permian–Mesozoic sedimentary platform cover in Poland.
Week 9 Geology of the Inner Carpathians (Tatry Mountains and Pieniny Klippen Belt).
Week 10 Outer Carpathians and Carpathian Foredeep. Paleogene and Neogene of Poland outside the Carpathians.
Week 11 Glacial and post-glacial deposits in Poland (Quaternary rocks).
Week 12 Mineral and rock resources of Poland.
Week 13 Geological field trip to the Morasko Meteorite Reserve in Poznań.
Week 14 Geotouristic attractions of Poland and their protection, part I.
Week 15 Geotouristic attractions of Poland and their protection, part II.
Geological evolution of Poland: summary.
Kryteria oceniania
Written test
Geology of Poland, volume I: Stratigraphy; part I-III (1970-2005). Wydawnictwa Geologiczne, Warszawa.
Geology of Poland, volume IV: Tectonics; ed. Pożarski W., (1977). Wydawnictwa Geologiczne, Warszawa.
Geological Quarterly (2006): volume 50, no 1. (The issue fully devoted to basics of regional geology of Poland).
Minerals Yearbook of Poland 2009; Polish Ministry of Environment.
Website of Polish Geological Institute:;
subsites in English related to regional geology, resources and geotourism in Poland.
Foster R. J. (1983); Physical geology. Merrill Publ. Comp.
McCann T. (2008), The geology of Central Europe: Volume 1: Precambrian and Palaeozoic; vol. 2: Mesozoic and Cenozoic. Geological Society of London.
Słomka T. et al. (2006); The catalogue of geotouristic objects in Poland; AGH publ.
In Polish:
Mizerski W. (2009) Geologia Polski. Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN.
Mizerski W. (2006) Geologia dynamiczna. Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN.
Surowce mineralne Polski. (1996-2002) ed. R. Ney, CPPGSMiE PAN Kraków
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