Physics I for Biology and non-Engineering 04-PHYS1BNE-STEM
1.Introduction, The Nature of Science, Quantities, Units, Accuracy, Precision… begin Kinematics, Vectors
2.Time, Velocity, Acceleration, Vectors, 2D motion, Gravity, 2-D Motion, Kinematics in 2D
3.Projectile Motion, Adding vectors graphically
4.Newton’s Laws, applications
5.Exam on Newton “stuff”, Circular Motion/Gravitation
6.Kepler’s Laws, Work, Energy, Conservation, Power
7.Momentum (not the political kind), and Collisions, Statics and Torque 8.Review, Quiz
9.Rotational Motion and Angular Momentum
10.Fluid Statics, Fluid Dynamics
12.Temperature, Kinetic Theory, Gas Law, Heat and Heat Transfer Methods
13.Thermodynamics. 1st & 2nd Laws
14.Oscillatory Motion and Waves
16.Sound effects and Hearing and…
Moduł zajęć/przedmiotu prowadzony zdalnie (e-learning)
Nakład pracy studenta (punkty ECTS)
Koordynatorzy przedmiotu
Kryteria oceniania
5 100% - 91%
4+ 90% - 86%
4 85% - 76%
3+ 75% - 71%
3 70% - 60%
2 59% and less
Explanation (in brackets alternative mathematical notation )
5 (5.0) / A EXCELLENT – outstanding performance
4+ (4.5) / B+ VERY GOOD – above the average standard with only minor errors
4 (4.0) / B GOOD – generally sound work with some minor errors
3+ (3.5) / C+ SATISFACTORY – fair but with a number of notable errors
3 (3.0) / C SATISFACTORY – fair but with significant shortcomings
2 (2.0) / F FAILING
Więcej informacji
Dodatkowe informacje (np. o kalendarzu rejestracji, prowadzących zajęcia, lokalizacji i terminach zajęć) mogą być dostępne w serwisie USOSweb: