Polish Literature in the European Context 03-PLE-22CEBSDL
Course learning content:
- transitions in ideas, currents, trends and genres (eg. humanism, manierism, historicism, messianic, epic, irony, modernism, postmodernism…),
- polish literature in the context of European literatures (the writer’s place in socjety, reception strategies, literary market),
- global literature in relations to the world’s history (literary works in relations to important historical events: the dusk of antiquity, Renaissance, the French Revolution and the industrial one, Napoleonic wars, the colonization and the decolonization, totalitarian regimes and the Holocaust, globalization processes…),
- the masterpieces of the world’s literaturę with their Polish translations and reception (eg. Oddysey, Hamlet, Faust, Madame Bovary, Anna Karenina, The Magic Mountain),
- polish writers and their reception of foreign influences (np. Górnicki vs Castiglione; Kochanowski vs Horace; Morsztyn vs Marino; Krasicki vs Rousseau; Mickiewicz vs Goethe; Norwid vs Baudelaire; Komornicka vs Woolf; Berent vs Nietsche; Iwaszkiewicz vs Mann).
Cele kształcenia
Kierunek studiów
Metody prowadzenia zajęć umożliwiające osiągnięcie założonych EK
Nakład pracy studenta (punkty ECTS)
Poziom przedmiotu
Rodzaj przedmiotu
Rok studiów (jeśli obowiązuje)
Wymagania wstępne w zakresie wiedzy, umiejętności oraz kompetencji
Koordynatorzy przedmiotu
Efekty kształcenia
On successful completion of this course, a student will be able to:
- place Polish literature in the midst of selected European and global esthetical and philosophical currents and eras,
- show relations between selected processes observed in Polish literature with equivalent trends in other national literatures,
- compare works of selected Polish authors with works of the most prominent authors of European literature,
- describe selected literary phenomena like multilingual literature, literary masterpiece, emigre literature, literary reception…
- characterize selected currents, genres, ideas of global literature which had a major impact on Polish literature in its history and those currents, genres, ideas in Polish literature which inspired and influenced other national literatures – and using those skills in required forms of written or oral presentation.
Kryteria oceniania
Assessment criteria:
very good (bdb; 5,0): a very good knowledge of selected masterpieces and various works of Polish literature analyzed during classes, a very good skill of abridging their problematics with reference to literary studies terminology, a very good knowledge of fundamental philosophical and aesthetic ideas, a very good analytical and interpretative skill connected with usage of selected literary theories and methodologies, a very good skill in using the required forms of scholarly presentation.
good plus (+db; 4,5): as above with minor shortcomings, a slightly lower analytical and interpretative skill connected with usage of literary theories and methodologies, slightly lower skill in using the required forms of scholarly presentation.
good (db; 4,0): possible further shortcomings: slightly diminished knowledge of selected masterpieces and various works of Polish literature analyzed during classes, a slightly lower skill of abridging their problematics with reference to literary studies terminology, a slightly lower knowledge of fundamental philosophical and aesthetic ideas.
satisfactory plus (+dst; 3,5): a satisfactory knowledge of selected masterpieces and various works of Polish literature analyzed during classes, a satisfactory skill of abridging their problematics with reference to literary studies terminology (with possible help from an examiner in the form of additional questions during the finals), a satisfactory knowledge of fundamental philosophical and aesthetic ideas, a satisfactory analytical and interpretative skill connected with an usage of literary theories and methodologies, a satisfactory skill in using the required forms of scholarly presentation.
satisfactory (dst; 3,0): a satisfactory knowledge of selected masterpieces and various works of Polish literature analyzed during classes, a satisfactory skill of abridging their problematics with reference to literary studies terminology (with possible help from an examiner in the form of additional questions during the finals), a poor knowledge of fundamental philosophical and aesthetic ideas, a poor analytical and interpretative skill connected with a poor knowledge of selected literary theories and methodologies, a low skill in using the required forms of scholarly presentation.
unsatisfactory (ndst; 2,0): an unsatisfactory knowledge of selected masterpieces and various works of Polish literature analyzed during classes, a lack of skill in abridging their problematics with reference to literary studies terminology. An unsatisfactory knowledge of required philosophical and aesthetic ideas, a lack of analytical and interpretative skill connected with scarce or no knowledge of selected literary theories and methodologies, a lack of skill in using the required forms of scholarly presentation.
Reading list:
A Companion to Comparative Literature, ed. by A. Behdad and D. Thomas, Wiley Blackwell 2014 (artykuły Davida Ferrisa, Davida Palumbo-Liu).
A Companion to Comparative Literature, ed. by A. Behdad and D. Thomas, Wiley Blackwell 2014 (artykuły Mary Louise Pratt, Allison Van Deventer / Dominica Thomasa).
Peter V. Zima, Komparatistik. Einführung in die Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft, A. Francke Verlag Tübingen und Basel 2011, s. 19-67.
Komparatistik, Evi Zemanek, Alexander Nebrig (Hg.), Berlin 2012, s. 21-33.
Angelika Corbineau-Hoffman, Einführung in die Komparatistik, Berlin 2013, s. 113-131.
R. Fieguth, O europejskich wartościach klasyków literatury polskiej, [w:] Humanizm polski. Długie trwanie - tradycje - współczesność (Wstęp do badań). red. A. Nowicka-Jeżowa, M. Cieński, Warszawa 2008-2009, s. 341-361.
J. Axer, Central-Eastern Europe, w: A Companion to the Classical tradition, ed. by C.W. Kallendorf, Wiley Blackwell 2010.
I. Krasicki, Rozmowy zmarłych. (wobec Lukiana i Fénelona)
F. S. Dmochowski, Iliada, pieśń 1. (wobec Homera)
Mme de Stäel, O Niemczech (BN, wybór).
C. Norwid, Vade-mecum. (wobec Baudelaire'a)
B. Prus, Faraon.
H. Sienkiewicz, Quo vadis.
Więcej informacji
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