Western Rhetorical Communication 03-F-WRC
Week 1: History of ancient rhetoric (1h).
Week 2: Main rhetorical categories.
Week 3: Canons of rhetoric (invention, arrangement, style, memory, delivery).
Week 4: Canons of rhetoric (invention, arrangement, style, memory, delivery).
Week 5: Canons of rhetoric (invention, arrangement, style, memory, delivery).
Week 6: Canons of rhetoric (invention, arrangement, style, memory, delivery).
Week 7: Canons of rhetoric (invention, arrangement, style, memory, delivery).
Week 8: Canons of rhetoric (invention, arrangement, style, memory, delivery).
Week 9: Rhetorical analysis: general rules.
Week 10: Rhetorical analysis: practical exercises (1) - inventio.
Week 11 Rhetorical analysis: practical exercises (2) - dispositio.
Week 12: Rhetorical analysis: practical exercises (3) - elocutio.
Week 13: Writing the rhetorical analysis essay.
Week 14: Writing the rhetorical analysis essay.
Week 15: Writing the rhetorical analysis essay.
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