St. Augustine's "Confessions" as the Mirror of the Culture of Late Antiquity 03-F-SAC
1. Introduction to Late Antiquity. St. Augustine: his life and works.
2. Introduction to Late Antiquity. St. Augustine: his life and works. - continued.
3.The Confessions – a very strange book?
4. The Confessions – a very strange book? - continued.
5.What does it mean to be a philosopher?
6. What does it mean to be a philosopher? - continued
7.What is the source of evil? (sin, free will, and God’s grace)
8. What is the source of evil? (sin, free will, and God’s grace) - continued.
9. Is sex any good? (Sexuality and marriage)
10. Is sex any good? (Sexuality and marriage) - continued.
11. What is friendship?
12. What is friendship? - continued.
13. What does it mean to be a saint?
14. What does it mean to be a saint? - continued.
15. Final test.
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