Introduction to Bosnian-Herzegovinian cultural studies 03-F-IBHC
The course presents a complete overview of the cultural past and present of Bosnia and Herzegovina, including key information about the social and political past and present as a basis and framework for understanding cultural phenomena. In terms of content, the course includes all key cultural forms, starting with traditional and folk culture, through literature, music and visual arts, to theatre, film, media and other cultural forms, all with representative examples. Special attention will be paid to the cultural complexity and multiplicity of Bosnia and Herzegovina, with Bosniak-Muslim, Croat-Catholic, Serbian-Orthodox and Jewish components as cultural dominants, as well as the relations between Oriental-Islamic and Western-European culture and civilization in the cultural system of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Also, special attention will be paid to the role of culture in the formation of ethnic and national identities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as the identity of Bosnia and Herzegovina as a complex society, i.e. phenomena of multireligiousness, multiethnicity and multinationality, phenomena of multiculturalism and interculturality and phenomena of cultural memory in Bosnia and Herzegovina, including the problem of culture in the context of war and social conflicts. In addition to this, the cultural system of Bosnia and Herzegovina will also be observed comparatively, especially in relation to the cultural systems of other Balkan and Slavic, or other European nations and states.
Course content:
1. Bosnia and Herzegovina as a complex, multireligious, multiethnic and multinational, multicultural and intercultural society – past and present.
2. Socio-political foundations of the complexity of Bosnian society and culture – past and present.
3. Slavia islamica, Slavia catholica, Slavia orthodoxa and Slavia judaica in the society and culture of Bosnia and Herzegovina – past and present.
4. The Muslim Orient and the European West in the society and culture of Bosnia and Herzegovina – past and present.
5. Traditional and folk culture in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
6. Modern cultural forms and multiculturalism / interculturalism in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
7. Literature and cultural memory in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
8. Music, fine arts, theatre and film and cultural memory in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
9. Culture and ethno-national identities in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
10. War and social conflicts and culture in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Metody prowadzenia zajęć umożliwiające osiągnięcie założonych EK
Nakład pracy studenta (punkty ECTS)
Rodzaj przedmiotu
Koordynatorzy przedmiotu
Efekty kształcenia
Acquaint students with the basics of the cultural past and present of Bosnia and Herzegovina, including key information about the social and political past and present as a basis and framework for understanding cultural phenomena. The special goal of the course is to familiarize students with key cultural forms, starting with traditional and folk culture, through literature, music and fine arts, to theatre, film, media and other cultural forms, all with representative examples. Also, the special goal of the course is to familiarize students with the cultural complexity and multiplicity of Bosnia and Herzegovina and with the role of culture in the formation of ethnic and national identities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as the identity of Bosnia and Herzegovina as a complex society, i.e. with the phenomena of multireligiousness, multiethnicity and multinationality, the phenomena of multiculturalism and interculturality and the phenomena of cultural memory in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In addition to this, the goal is to familiarize students with the cultural system of Bosnia and Herzegovina in a comparative perspective, especially in relation to the cultural systems of other Balkan and Slavic, or other European nations and states.
Kryteria oceniania
Workshop and presentation of individual research work.
Więcej informacji
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