Food and Dining in the Ancient Greek World 03-F-FDAG
Week 1: Introduction: general remarks on food consumption in Greek culture; literary sources.
Week 2: Food in Homer (I): the sacrifice and the preparation of meal.
Week 3: Food in Homer (II): the banquets of the heroes.
Week 4: Food in Greek lyric poetry.
Week 5: Scenario of the symposium and its depiction in sympotic poetry.
Week 6: Sicily and the life of luxury.
Week 7: Food in the Old Comedy: the utopian motif of the ‘Land of Plenty’.
Week 8: Sicilian influences: food and cooks in the Middle and New Comedy.
Week 9: The poetic cookery books: Archestratus of Gela, Hedypatheia.
Week 10: The poetic descriptions of banquets (I): Matro of Pitane, Attic Dinner.
Week 11: The poetic descriptions of banquets (II): Philoxenus of Leucas, Banquet.
Week 12: Greek banquet scenario.
Week 13: Great meals of the Hellenistic period: Hippolochus, The wedding meal of Caranus.
Week 14: Athenaeus, Deipnosophistae.
Week 15: Conclusions, exam.
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