The Early Greek Lyric Poets 03-F-EGL
The primary aim of the tutorial is to make the students aware of the main problems and controversies associated with the Greek lyric poets and to provide the necessary introduction for further reading. All Greek in translation. The aim is also to explore the ancient texts of lyric poets and to look at them in relations to modern conceptionsof lyric. We will try to answer the question what made then attractive to a wide range of readers, ancient as well as modern (also non-classicists).
Week 1: Terminology, the poet’s voice and transmission.
Week 2: Sappho’s poetry.
Week 3: Alcaeus’ poetry.
Week 4: Anacreon’s poetry.
Week 5: Simonides’ poetry.
Week 6: Bacchylides’ poetry.
Week 7: Pindar’s poetry.
Week 8: Mimnermus’ poetry.
Week 9: Solon’s poetry.
Week 10: Theognis’ poetry.
Week 11: Xenophanes’ poetry.
Week 12: Archilochus’ poetry.
Week 13: Semonides’ poetry.
Week 14: Anonymous poems.
Week 15: Conclusions.
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