Computer Skills 03-CS-11CEBSDL
Course learning content:
- basics of information and communication techniques,
- the problem of data security and protection,
- operating system and its types,
- learning advanced text formatting techniques,
- elementary principles of correct editing of a scientific text (a paper, an annual thesis, a BA and MA thesis),
- Excel; getting to know the software used to create spreadsheets,
- PowerPoint; analysis of software used to create multimedia presentations,
- creating multimedia presentations,
- practical use of the Internet.
Cele kształcenia
Kierunek studiów
Metody prowadzenia zajęć umożliwiające osiągnięcie założonych EK
Nakład pracy studenta (punkty ECTS)
Poziom przedmiotu
Rodzaj przedmiotu
Rok studiów (jeśli obowiązuje)
Wymagania wstępne w zakresie wiedzy, umiejętności oraz kompetencji
Efekty kształcenia
On successful completion of this course, a student will be able to:
- can understand the concepts of software / hardware as well as recognize the main parts of a computer and common mobile devices; can identify the activities of the basic application software,
- can use the basic terminology of TI; knows how to use methods of securing a computer against unwanted programs; can efficiently use the operating system as well as identify various types of files and create them efficiently,
- can format a text regardless of its type, volume or purpose, as well as equip each text with a properly developed and formatted scientific apparatus,
- can work with a spreadsheet at an intermediate level,
- can create a multimedia presentation,
- can recognize the basic concepts related to the Internet and WWW and efficiently use the Internet for scientific purposes.
Kryteria oceniania
Assessment criteria:
very good (bdb; 5.0): very good knowledge of terminology in the field of Information Technology; excellent knowledge of computer software and fluency in using it.
good plus (+db; 4.5): very good knowledge of basic IT terms; very good knowledge of the computer software discussed in class and relatively fluent in using it.
good (db; 4.0): good knowledge of basic IT terms; good knowledge of the computer software discussed in class and relatively problem-free use of it.
satisfactory plus (+dst; 3.5): satisfactory good knowledge of basic IT terms; equally satisfactory knowledge of the computer software discussed in class and correct, albeit allowing various shortcomings, its use.
satisfactory (dst; 3.0): basic knowledge of basic IT terms; basic knowledge of computer software discussed in class and sufficient to pass the course, but full of shortcomings the ability to use this software.
unsatisfactory (ndst; 2.0): unsatisfactory knowledge of basic IT terms; ignorance of the computer software discussed in class and the inability to use it.
Reading list will be given by lecturers.
Więcej informacji
Dodatkowe informacje (np. o kalendarzu rejestracji, prowadzących zajęcia, lokalizacji i terminach zajęć) mogą być dostępne w serwisie USOSweb: