Food and Dining in the Ancient Greek World 03-AP-FDAG
Course learning content:
- the social context of eating,
- the origin and development of a Greek feast,
- order of the meal,
- dining customs,
- Greek gastronomic poetry,
- cookery books,
- the life of luxury,
- food and literary genres,
- the boastful comic cook (mageiros),
- opsophagoi and anecdotes of eating and drinking.
Cele kształcenia
Metody prowadzenia zajęć umożliwiające osiągnięcie założonych EK
Nakład pracy studenta (punkty ECTS)
Rodzaj przedmiotu
Wymagania wstępne w zakresie wiedzy, umiejętności oraz kompetencji
Koordynatorzy przedmiotu
Efekty kształcenia
On successful completion of this course, a student will be able to:
- understand the research problems and the recent achievements in the field covered by the lecture,
- present the crucial research methodologies (both contemporary and earlier) and their mutual influence and relationships,
- know how to critically evaluate the importance and usefulness of various methodological perspectives applied to analysing and interpreting phenomena of culture,
- have extensive factual knowledge in the field covered by the lecture,
- have the basic bibliographical information necessary to further research the subject matter of the lecture.
Kryteria oceniania
Grade system:
very good (bdb; 5,0): very good familiarity with the problems and methodologies discussed in the lecture; very good understanding and ability to interpret the facts from a number of perspectives.
good plus (+db; 4,5): as above, except for minor deficiencies and inaccuracies.
good (db; 4,0): good familiarity with the problems and methodologies discussed in the lecture; understanding and ability to interpret the facts from a number of perspectives.
satisfactory plus (+dst; 3,5): satisfactory familiarity with the problems and methodologies discussed in the lecture; average understanding and ability to interpret the facts from a number of perspectives.
satisfactory (dst; 3,0): basic familiarity with the problems and methodologies discussed in the lecture; shallow understanding and ability to interpret the facts from a number of perspectives.
unsatisfactory (ndst; 2,0): unsatisfactory familiarity with the problems and methodologies discussed in the lecture; no understanding or ability to interpret the facts from a number of perspectives.
Reading list:
A. Dalby, Siren Feasts. A History of Food and Gastronomy in Greece, London-New York 1996.
A. Dalby, Food in the Ancient World from A to Z, London 2003.
J. Wilkins, S. Hill, Food in the Ancient World, Totnes 2006.
Więcej informacji
Dodatkowe informacje (np. o kalendarzu rejestracji, prowadzących zajęcia, lokalizacji i terminach zajęć) mogą być dostępne w serwisie USOSweb: