Study programmes
> Studies in foreign language
> Liberal Arts and Sciences
> Liberal Arts and Sciences
Liberal Arts and Sciences (S1-LAA)(in Polish: Liberal Arts and Sciences, studia w j. angielskim) | |
first cycle degree studies full-time, 3 years Language: English | Jump to:
Opis ogólny
No description for the programme.
Qualification awarded:
(in Polish) Licencjat na kierunku Liberal Arts and Sciences
Access to further studies:
second-cycle degree studies, postgraduate studies
Professional status:
In the course of 1st level program, the graduate of Liberal Arts and Sciences gained comprehensive, advanced and interdisciplinary knowledge in the liberal arts field, especially history, mathematics, political sciences, governance, biology and physics. The knowledge acquired provides the graduate with a foundation for further professional development.
Competencies acquired in the course of study (analytical and critical thinking, solving research problems, individual work and teamwork) prepared the graduate for occupations requiring independence, creativity, conducting research and disseminating its results individually and collectively. Particularly noteworthy are the language skills of the LAS graduate, which correspond to level B2 of the Council of Europe's Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. The graduate can use English to formulate hypotheses, create texts and present research results.
In the course of 1st level program, the graduate developed advanced social competencies in the scope of acting in accordance with the standards of social and research ethics, nurturing and popularizing the heritage of European civilization, applying acquired knowledge to solve practical problems, dissemination of science to non-specialists, managing individual work and teamwork in the implementation of the selected project task, initiation of activities for the social environment and public interest.
Classes on contemporary analytical research methods, including digital tools, give the graduate the ability to function in modern science. The graduate knows and understands the conditions for conducting research in the humanities and sciences in the age of the digital revolution and the principles and methods for conducting research in the humanities and sciences. Emphasis on interdisciplinarity linking multiple fields of research allows the graduate to make a conscious choice of the further educational path and choosing disciplines to study further following their interests and requirements of the modern job market. The graduate can use knowledge of the humanities, social sciences and sciences to diagnose and evaluate phenomena occurring in society. Thanks to the program's highly personalized character, the LAS graduate can operate within interdisciplinary research environments, being comprehensively prepared to analyse and synthesise research results in a truly interdisciplinary manner. The graduate is ready to undertake 2nd level program in the fields of study related to his/her personalised LAS programme.
After completing the programme, the graduate receives a bachelor's degree.
Learning outcomes
Learning outcomes for the field of study were specified by the Resolution No. 78/2020/2021 of the Senate of Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań adopted on 29 March 2021. The Resolution with attachments is available on the website: