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Study programmes > Studies in foreign language > English Studies and Education > (in Polish) filologia angielska z pedagogiką (w Kaliszu prow. wspól. W.A, WPA-Kalisz.)

(in Polish) filologia angielska z pedagogiką (w Kaliszu prow. wspól. W.A, WPA-Kalisz.) (S1-FAP)

(in Polish: filologia angielska z pedagogiką (w Kaliszu prow. wspól. W.A, WPA-Kalisz.))
first cycle degree studies
full-time, 3 years
Language: Polish
No description for the programme.

ECTS Coordinators:

Qualification awarded:

(in Polish) Licencjat na kierunku filologia angielska z pedagogiką

Access to further studies:

second-cycle degree studies, postgraduate studies

Professional status:

The graduate completed a first-cycle (bachelor’s level) program of study which complied with the standard of education preparing for the teaching profession constituting Annex No. 1 to the Regulation of the (Polish) Minister of Science and Higher Education of July 25, 2019 on the Standard of Education Preparing for the Teaching Profession (Journal of Laws of 2021, item 890) (Rozporządzenie Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego z dnia 25 lipca 2019 r. w sprawie standardu kształcenia przygotowującego do wykonywania zawodu nauczyciela (Dz. U. z 2021 poz. 890 t.j.)) and included: A. Content instruction preparing for teaching the subject (English) B. Psychological and pedagogical instruction: B.1. Psychology B.2. Pedagogy B.3. School practicum (psychology and pedagogy) C. Introduction to teaching and voice projection: Introduction to teaching Voice projection D. Teaching instruction: D.1. Teaching the subject or class D.2. School practicum (English language teaching) The graduate has a command of English at the C1 proficiency level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and a command of another foreign language at the B2 level. They use English proficiently and freely in informal, social, educational and professional interactions, interpreting and producing written and oral output concerning topics of general interest and those related to language studies. Their English competence approaches that of L1 English users. The graduate has knowledge of aspects of English language literature and culture, as well as numerous aspects of the English language and its teaching and learning. They are able to independently acquire knowledge, among other things in order to improve their language skills (they are aware of the need to improve them throughout their lifetime), also with the use of modern technologies and respecting other’s copyright. They also posses intercultural competence (openness to and respect for other cultures), as well as interpersonal communication and teamwork skills. In the course of the program of study, which included six months of practicum (hands-on training) in primary and secondary schools, the graduate received psychological, pedagogical and English teaching instruction. The pedagogical knowledge and skills go beyond the minimum specified in the (Polish) regulations concerning teacher qualifications. The graduate is particularly well prepared for meeting socializational and educational challenges. The graduate is additionally prepared for work in all the environments where excellent English language skills and/or a good humanities background are necessary, such as foreign departments of institutions and companies (e.g., educational, media, cultural, tourism institutions/ companies). The graduate is prepared for pursuing second-cycle (master’s level) studies in a wide range of programs such as English studies, applied linguistics, ecolinguistics and foreign language teaching.

Learning outcomes

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Learning outcomes for the field of study were specified by the Resolution No. 140/2013/2014 of the Senate of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań adopted on 26 May 2014 and changed by the Resolution No. 74/2016/2017 adopted on 26 June 2017. The Resolutions with attachments are available on the website: www.amu.edu.pl