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Study programmes > First-cycle studies > Mathematics > (in Polish) matematyka

(in Polish) matematyka (S1-MA)

(in Polish: matematyka)
first cycle degree studies
full-time, 6 semesters
Language: Polish
No description for the programme.

Qualification awarded:

(in Polish) Licencjat na kierunku matematyka, specjalność analiza danych
(in Polish) Licencjat na kierunku matematyka, specjalność nauczycielska - matematyka i informatyka
(in Polish) Licencjat na kierunku matematyka, specjalność matematyka stosowana
(in Polish) Licencjat na kierunku matematyka
(in Polish) Licencjat na kierunku matematyka, specjalność statystyka i analiza danych
(in Polish) Licencjat na kierunku matematyka, specjalność matematyka finansowa i aktuarialna
(in Polish) Licencjat na kierunku matematyka, specjalność matematyka teoretyczna
(in Polish) Licencjat na kierunku matematyka, specjalność matematyka nauczycielska
(in Polish) Licencjat na kierunku matematyka, specjalność modelowanie i optymalizacja dyskretna

Access to further studies:

second-cycle degree studies, postgraduate studies

Professional status:

Graduates of the Bachelor's degree in Mathematics have general knowledge of the basic branches of mathematics at the university level (in particular of the mathematical analysis, algebra and number theory, geometry, discrete mathematics as well as the theory of probability and mathematical statistics). They are able to solve typical tasks from the above-mentioned fields and are acquainted with selected applications of mathematics in other branches of science, mainly in the exact sciences. They can formulate problems and issues in the language of mathematics and search for their solutions using numerical methods. The graduates in mathematics possess the skills of correct justification and accurate reasoning, have developed the ability to think critically and verify hypotheses. Depending on the chosen specialization, they acquire competences related to the development of modern mathematics (pure mathematics), to the operation and tools of the modern financial market (financial and actuarial mathematics) or to data analysis and statistical reasoning (statistics and data analysis). The graduates of the mathematics field usually find work in the enterprises operating on the IT market, in the companies related to banking and finance, and in the entities providing advisory services. They work for the institutions which use advanced statistical methods and data analysis as well as for the entities conducting research and development activities.

Learning outcomes

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Learning outcomes for the field of study were specified by the Resolution No. 329/2011/2012 of the Senate of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań adopted on 28 May 2012. The Resolution with attachments is available on the website: www.amu.edu.pl