Welcome to ECTS Catalogue!
What can you find on this page? Information on didactics, graduate studies, course stuctures... read more
Did you know:
There are only main subjects on the list; there are no specialities nor specializations, but these can be easily found in the search box.
First-cycle studies
- (in Polish) Amerykanistyka
- (in Polish) Edukacja artystyczna w zakresie sztuk muzycznych
- (in Polish) Geologia inżynierska i hydrogeologia
- (in Polish) Global Communication
- (in Polish) Governance of Organizations
- (in Polish) Hydrologia, meteorologia i klimatologia
- (in Polish) Informatyka kwantowa
- (in Polish) Optyka okularowa i optometria
- (in Polish) Studia o Niemczech
- (in Polish) Zarządzanie w administracji lokalnej
- (in Polish) Zmiany klimatu Ziemi
- Acoustics
- Administration
- Applied Chemistry
- Applied Linguistics
- Arabic Philology
- Archaeology
- Astronomy
- Audio Engineering
- Balkan Studies
- Bioinformatics
- Biology
- Biology and Human Health
- Biophysics
- Biotechnology
- Central European and Balkan Studies
- Chemistry
- Classical Philology
- Cognitive Science
- Computer Science
- Computer Technologies
- Cultural Heritage Preservation
- Cultural Studies
- Designing Culture
- Dutch Studies
- East Slavic Philology
- Eastern Studies
- Economy and Economics in History
- English and Celtic studies
- English and Chinese studies
- English Linguistics: Theories, Interfaces, Technologies
- English Philology
- English Studies and Education
- English Studies: Literature and Culture
- Environmental Management
- Environmental Protection
- Ethnolinguistics Philology
- Ethnology
- European Communication
- European Law
- European Legal Studies
- Film Studies and Media Culture
- Fine arts Education
- French Philology
- Game Studies
- Geodesy and Cartography
- Geography
- Geoinformation
- Geology
- German Philology
- Hebrew Philology
- History
- History of Art
- Humanities in School Education - Program for Teachers of Polish Language and History
- Information Science and Librarianship
- Integrated Development Planning
- International Relations
- IT Technologies
- Italian Philology
- Japanese Studies
- Journalism and Social Communication
- Korean Philology
- Languages and Literatures of World Regions
- Legal and economic studies
- Liberal Arts and Sciences
- Linguistics and Information Management
- Management and Business Law
- Mathematics
- Medical Chemistry with Drug Design
- Medical Physics
- Mediterranean Studies
- Music Education
- Musicology
- National Security
- Pedagogy
- Philology
- Philosophy
- Physical Planning and Spatial Management
- Physics
- Polish Philology
- Polish Philology
- Polish Studies
- Polish Studies for International Students
- Polish-Philosophical Studies for Teachers
- Political Science
- Portuguese Philology
- Public Governance
- Romance Philology
- Romanian Philology
- Sinology
- Skandinavian Studies
- Slavic Studies
- Social Dialogue and Counselling
- Social Work
- Sociology
- Spanish Philology
- Teaching Biology and Natural Science
- Teaching of Mathematics and Computer Science
- Theatre Studies
- Tourism and Recreation
- Turkic Studies