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Computer Science (N4-IN)

(in Polish: informatyka (1,5 roczne-po inż.))
second cycle degree studies
extramural, 3 semesters
Language: Polish
No description for the programme.

Qualification awarded:

(in Polish) Magisterium na kierunku informatyka

Access to further studies:

doctoral studies, postgraduate studies

Professional status:

Individuals completing their master's studies in Computer Science are creative, capable of formulating problems and solving them; they have a habit of continuous learning and professional development. They creatively apply and combine known mechanisms and solutions to build comprehensive IT solutions. They can pursue work in research and development in companies, administrative sectors, or scientific institutions. They are prepared to engage in innovative entrepreneurial activities and to lead a team. They are aware of the significance of computer science in the modern world.

Learning outcomes

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Learning outcomes for the field of study were specified by the Resolution No. 329/2011/2012 of the Senate of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań adopted on 28 May 2012 and changed by the Resolution No.141/2013/2014 adopted on 26 may 2014 and changed by the Resolution No.61/2016/2017 adopted on 29 may 2017.
The Resolutions with attachments are available on the website: www.amu.edu.pl