Courses at
Questions of Boundaries Research Group
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Public discourse: State-Church relations 31-WK18Z05
- (in Polish) Historia nauki w dziejach kultury europejskiej 31-WY15L18
- (in Polish) Political geographies of knowledge. Feminism and Islam 31-KO18Z07
- (in Polish) Przekraczanie granic. Inter – i transdyscyplinarność w teorii i praktyce. 31-SW18Z02z
- (in Polish) Nauka długiego XIX wieku w Europie Środkowej pomiędzy „imperializacją” a „nacjonalizacją” 31-SE19L13
- (in Polish) Seminarium PPG 31-SE20Z20
- 43/5000What is humanities? Who is a humanist? 31-WY18Z03
- A Human against machine – part II 31-WY18L05
- A sense of end. Stories of the future 31-KO19L14
- Alternative readings and narratives 31-WK20Z02
- Ancient Rome in scientific research throughout history 31-KO19L17
- Animals and humans 31-WK20Z06
- Anti-Semitism. Conceptualizations and debates 31-KO18Z19
- Anti-Semitism. Conceptualizations and debates 31-KO18Z19e
- Art as a tool for social criticism. The role of the artist in the process of gentrification - part II 31-KO18L18
- Building a justy world: the law and its principles - part II 31-WY18L04
- Church system: sacralization 31-WK18Z14
- Community and culture of ancient Alexandria - i 31-WY20Z13
- Complicated biographies of Polish artists with rainbow, politics and alcohol in the background 31-KO19L15
- Contemporary literature. Opening balance (2000-2017) 31-KO18L08
- Contemporary messianism - criticism 31-WK19L09
- Creation, invention, innovations 31-WK20Z05
- Criticism of messianisms - part I: historical messianisms 31-WK18Z08
- Criticism of social and political reality in the movies and television series 31-WK19L11
- Crossing the borders. Inter- and transdisciplinarity in theory and practice. 31-SW18Z02
- Cultures and countercultures of power: religion, art, science 31-SW18L01
- Cultures and countercultures of power: religion, art, science - seminar 31-KO18L07
- Death. Transdisciplinary perspective 31-WK20Z04
- European science from the perspective of the fate of academic elites part II 31-WK20L06
- Exact sciences and art 31-WK18Z10
- Falls and defeats of the church system 31-WK19L18
- Frames, codes, systems. Audience control problems in social and political communication 31-WK19L16
- From operating systems to mobile applications. The influence of software on culture 31-KO18Z20
- Great books 23-PPG-L2411
- Historical sciences, biblical hermeneutics, historical sociology and psychology, and cognitive religious studies in research on the beginnings of Christianity 31-WK18L09
- Human as the creator - part I 31-WY18Z04
- Human as the creator - part II 31-WY19L06
- Human perceptions of animal worlds 31-SW18Z01
- Human rights? Animal rights? - I 31-WY20Z11
- I am the eye. Practices of seeing - part II 31-KO18L19
- Illusion of freedom - part II 31-WY18L06
- Illusion of freedom (for part-time students) 31-WY18L06Z
- In search of national features in photography. On the forgotten aspect of Polish artistic photography 31-WY18L14
- Infectious diseases outbreaks as a multidisciplinary problem: from leprosy to SARS-CoV-19 31-SW20Z01
- Islam and gender 23-PPG24Z01
- Islam beyond Orientalism. Deconstructing Western knowledge of the "Muslim Others" 31-KO20Z10
- Literary workshop - in the face of cultural, social and political changes - part II 31-WK18L15
- Meanings and roles of the concept of information 31-WK18Z18
- Migration, migrants, crises. What do we know about the "refugee crisis"? 31-KO19L12
- New irrationalism. The contemporary world and the production of ignorance 31-SW19L01
- Palestinian node. Jews, Arabs, Europe 31-KO18L16
- Peripheral whiteness. Polish identities and race 31-KO20Z09
- Places of remembrance - between trans- and interdisciplinary studies and historical policy 31-WK19L03
- Poland and the curse of semi-peripherality 31-SW18L02
- Political geographies of knowledge. Feminism and Islam 31-KO19L08
- Political geography of knowledge. Muslim renegades, criticism of Islam and the issue of self-colonization 31-KO18Z12
- Poznan universities in the century of their history: sources, controversies, ideologies, scientific schools 31-SW19L02
- Poznan universities in the century of their history: sources, controversies, ideologies, scientific schools - seminar 31-KO19L04
- Racism as a technology of power 31-KO18L10
- Reflection on catastrophe and apocalypse - philosophy, politics 31-WK20Z03
- Religion of ancient Greeks and Romans 31-KO20Z14
- Roads and wilderness of axiology - I 31-WY20Z12
- Science and Art in a Trans- and Interdisciplinary approach 31-WK20Z08
- Science in society. Introduction to studies on science and technology 31-WK18Z09
- Selected problems of the history of natural science from the 16th to the 21st century 31-WK19L05
- The Alexandrian diaspora and its literature 23-PPG24L07
- The Church and Science: Historical and Contemporary Quarrels about Visions of the World and Man 31-WY15L14
- The fate of the elites in the 20th century - biographies of scholars in the era of conflicts and political changes 31-WY20Z07
- The human era - critical analysis - part I 31-WY18Z06
- The human era - critical analysis - part II 31-WY19L07
- The State. Interdisciplinary approach 31-KO18L17
- The world of values - part I 31-WY18Z15
- The world of values - part II 31-WY19L19
- Theoretical history of science - a tool for interpreting past or contemporary problems of science? 31-WK18Z16
- Universalisms and localities in the humanities 31-WK18L13
- Whiteness. Race and the shifting codes of social privilege 31-KO18Z17
- Without concealment. Causes and consequences of mass rearing and slaughter of animals 31-WK18L03
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