Courses at
Frontier Questions Research Unit
- Seminar about "great books" 23-PPG-23Z08
- Social machine of corruption. Analysis 31-WK20L09
- Social Machines. Theory and practice 31-WK19Z05
- Social strategies towards crises. Diagnosis and criticism 23-PPG-SW21L01
- Society in the light of the "The Wire" series 23-PPG-WK22Z03
- Spaces of manipulation in language 23-PPG-WK22Z05
- Spaces of manipulation in language group2 23-PPG-WK22Z05a
- Surprising worlds of Christians. History and the present 23-PPG-WK22L11
- System and violence 23-PPG-24L03
- The art of persuasion. About Polish advertising photography in the years 1900-1989 23-PPG-WY21L09
- The future of literature, the literature of the future. Considerations and Practices 23-PPG-WK21Z09
- The Holocaust and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. Topographies of multidirectional memory 23-PPG-KON23L04
- The literary world of law and lawyers 23-PPGWY22L09
- The literary world of law and lawyers 23-PPG-24L09
- The sexuality of ancient Greeks and Romans 23-PPG-KO22Z08
- The sources of the success of ideological communities 23-PPG-23Z04
- What does a critical reading of the Bible mean? 23-PPG-24L05
- White ignorance. Epistemology of race and domination 23-PPG-23Z03
- Whiteness. Race and the shifting codes of social privilege 23-PPG-KO22Z06