Courses at
AMU Nadnotecki Institute in Piła
- (in Polish) Ćwiczenia terenowe z hydrobiologi 17-GW2-CTHYD
- (in Polish) Ćwiczenia terenowe z hydrobiologii 17-GW2L-CTHYD
- (in Polish) Sztuczna inteligencja i symulacja w informatyce 17-DSPEiIP9
- (in Polish) Programowanie liniowe i sieciowe (modelowanie i metody) 17-DFAK-IP16
- (in Polish) Programowanie w języku Python 17-DSPE-IP14
- (in Polish) Zarządzanie Bezpieczeństwem IT: Testy Penetracyjne 17-DFAK-IP17
- (in Polish) Bezpieczeństwo Cybernetyczne w administracji 17-DSPE-IP16
- (in Polish) Wprowadzenie do Data Science 17-DFAK-IP18
- (in Polish) Komunikacja wizulana i autoprezentacja 17-DFAK-IP19
- (in Polish) Komuniacja w zespole 17-DHUM-LW4
- (in Polish) Projektowanie implementacja REST API 17-DSPE-IP9
- Activity on the labor market 17-GW2L-FNRP
- Actuarial Mathematics 17-DFAK-IP2
- Algebra for computer science 17-DALG-IP0
- Algorithms and data structure 17-S3TI01-P07487
- Algorithms and data structures 17-DASD-IP1
- Algorithms and tools of financial mathematics 17-DSPE-IP7
- An Introduction to Geoinformatics 17-DFAK-IP1
- Applied hydrobiology 17-GW1L-HS
- Applied hydroecology and managment of lake ekosysems 17-GW2L-HiGEJ
- Applied hydrogeology 17-GW3L-HST
- Applied hydrology 17-GW2L-HS
- Automata and formal languages / Artificial intelligence 17-DAUT-IP0
- Cartography and topography 17-GW1L-KiT
- Chemical analysis of water and soils 17-GW3L-ACHWiG
- Circular economy 17-GW3L-GWOZ
- Climate of Poland 17-GW2L-KP
- Communication Management in IT Teams 17-DFAK-IP5
- Computer graphics and visualisation 17-DGKW-IP0
- Computer networks 17-DSIKO-IP0
- Computer simulation 17-DSPE-IP0
- Computer systems architecture 17-DARK-IP0
- Computer techniques 17-GW1L-TK
- Cryptography 17-DSPE-IP4
- Databases 17-DBAD-IP0
- Declarative programming 17-DPRD-IP0
- Diploma seminar 17-DSEM-IP0
- Discrete mathematics 17-DMAD-IP0
- Discrete mathematics 17-S3TI02-P00362
- Documentations in water management 17-GW3L-DwGW
- Drainage 17-GW2L-MEL
- Education on information resources 17-EIZ-GW
- Education on information resources 17-EIZ-TI
- Elements of entrepreneurship 17-DEPR-IP0
- Elements of logic and function science 17-DLOG-IP0
- Elements of numerical methods 17-DMEN-IP0
- Elements of statistics 17-DSTA-IP0
- Engineering team project 17-DPRO-II1
- Engineering team project c.d. 17-DPRO-II2
- English A2 17-ANG-A2-Z60
- English I 17-GW1L-JA
- English I 17-DJOBLI1-JA
- English II 17-DJOBLI2-JA
- English II 17-GW2L-JA2
- English III 17-DJOBLI3-JA
- English III 17-GW2L-JA3
- English IV 17-DJOBLI4-JA4
- English IV 17-GW3L-JA4
- Environmental impact assessment 17-GW3L-OOnŚ
- Environmental management 17-GW3L-ZŚ
- Ethics and sociology 17-GW3L-EiS
- Extreme hydrological processes 17-GW3L-EPH
- Field practice monitoring of natural environment 17-GW2L-CTMSP
- Field practice: applied hydrobiology 17-GW1L-CT-HS
- Field practice: cartography and topography 17-GW1-CT-KiT
- Field practice: hydrogeology 17-GW2L-CTH
- Field practice: hydrology 17-GW1L-CT-HYD
- Field practice: meteorology 17-GW1L-CT-MiK
- Field practice: Methods of valorisation of the natural environment 17-GW2L-CT-MWSP
- Field practice: water resources of Pila region 17-GW2L-CTZWRP
- Fundamentals of electronics and electrotechnics 17-DPEE-IP0
- Fundamentals of entrepreneurship 17-DFAK-IP14
- Fundamentals of logic and set theory 17-S3TI01-P07257
- Fundamentals of management 17-DFAK-IP3
- Fundamentals of spatial data infrastructure 17-DFAK-IP7
- Geodesy 17-GW1L-GEO
- Geographic Information System 17-GW1L-SIG
- Geographic Information System 17-DSPE-IP2
- Geoinformation 17-GW2L-GEOINF
- Geology and engineering geology 17-GW1L-GEGI
- Geomorphology 17-GW2L-GEOM
- Graph algorithms 17-DSPE-IP1
- Hydrogeology 17-GW2L-HYDG
- Hydrography of Poland 17-GW2L-HP
- Hydrological processes in a river basin 17-GW2L-PHZ
- Hydrology 17-GW1L-HYD
- Hydrometry 17-GW2L-HYD
- Hydrosphere protection 17-GW2L-OWP
- Hydrosphere protection 17-GW3L-OWP
- Information and source education 17-S3TI01-P00560
- Internet technologies 17-DNIF-IP1
- Internet technology 17-S3TI02-P00371
- Interpersonal Skills Workshop 17-S3TI01-P07486
- Introduction to linear algebra and geometry 17-DALI-IP0
- Introduction to linear algebra and geometry 17-S3TI01-P07255
- Introduction to probability theory 17-DWPR-IP0
- Legal protection of intellectual property 17-DOWI-LW1
- Licenciate laboratory 17-GW3L-LL
- Licenciate laboratory 2 17-GW3L-LL2
- Licenciate seminar 17-GW3L-SW2