Study programmes
> Faculty list
> Faculty of Educational Studies
Faculty of Educational Studies 1100000000
First-cycle studies:
- (in Polish) pedagogika, specajlność doradztwo zawodowe i edukacja karierowa
- (in Polish) pedagogika, specjalność edukacja medialna i zajęcia komputerowe
- (in Polish) pedagogika, specjalność mediacje i interwencja kryzysowa w edukacji
- (in Polish) pedagogika, specjalność pedagogika środowiskowa i animacja społeczności lokalnych
- Career Counselling and Personal Counselling
- Career Counselling and Personal Counselling
- Pedagogy of Care and Upbringing
- Pedagogy of Care and Upbringing
- Social Readaptation
- Social Readaptation
- Sociotherapy and Health Promotion
Second-cycle studies:
- (in Polish) pedagogika, specjalność edukacja dorosłych i kształtowanie kompetencji trenerskich
- (in Polish) pedagogika, specjalność resocjalizacja nieletnich
- Care-Educational Pedagogy and Work with Family
- Care-Educational Pedagogy and Work with Family
- Career Counselling and Personal Counselling
- Career Counselling and Personal Counselling
- counseling and Psycho-pedagogy Counseling
- Counseling and Psycho-Pedagogy Counseling
- Early Support of Child Development
- Early Support of Child Development
- Elementary Education and Pedagogical Therapy
- Elementary Education and Pedagogical Therapy
- management of education
- Management of Education
- Pedagogy, specialty social readaptation with elements of criminology
- Pedagogy, specialty social readaptation with elements of criminology
- Preschool Education and Elementary Education
- Preschool Education and Elementary Education
- Sociotherapy and Health Promotion
- Special pedagogy, specialty clinical speech therapy
- Special pedagogy, specialty educational rehabilitation of persons with autism spectrum disorders
- Special pedagogy, specialty educational rehabilitation of persons with autism spectrum disorders
Studies in foreign language:
- (in Polish) pedagogika przedszkolna i wczesnoszkolna
- (in Polish) pedagogika przedszkolna i wczesnoszkolna
- (in Polish) pedagogika specjalna
- (in Polish) pedagogika, specjalność edukacja medialna i zajęcia komputerowe
- (in Polish) pedagogika, specjalność pedagogika środowiskowa i animacja społeczności lokalnych
- (in Polish) pedagogika, specjalność resocjalizacja nieletnich
- Care-Educational Pedagogy and Work with Family
- Care-Educational Pedagogy and Work with Family
- Career Counselling and Personal Counselling
- Career Counselling and Personal Counselling
- Career Counselling and Personal Counselling
- Career Counselling and Personal Counselling
- counseling and Psycho-pedagogy Counseling
- Counseling and Psycho-Pedagogy Counseling
- Early Support of Child Development
- Early Support of Child Development
- Elementary Education and Pedagogical Therapy
- Elementary Education and Pedagogical Therapy
- Management of Education
- management of education
- Pedagogy of Care and Upbringing
- Pedagogy of Care and Upbringing
- Pedagogy, specialty social readaptation with elements of criminology
- Pedagogy, specialty social readaptation with elements of criminology
- Preschool Education and Elementary Education
- Preschool Education and Elementary Education
- Social Readaptation
- Social Readaptation
- Sociotherapy and Health Promotion
- Sociotherapy and Health Promotion
- Special Pedagogy
- Special pedagogy, specialty clinical speech therapy
- Special pedagogy, specialty educational rehabilitation of persons with autism spectrum disorders
- Special pedagogy, specialty educational rehabilitation of persons with autism spectrum disorders