Courses at
Faculty of Modern Languages and Literatures
- Islam 09-S1FAR03-P05742
- Islam 09-S1FAR04-P05742
- Islamic Mysticism 09-S1FAR04-F03555
- Israel from the kitchen side 09-ik-11
- Issues in linguistic frontier research 09-S1FWSb04-P06289
- Issues in linguistic frontier research 09-S1FWSr04-F06289
- Issues in linguistic frontier research 09-S1FWSra04-F06289
- Issues in linguistic frontier research 09-S1FWSrl04-F06289
- Issues in linguistic frontier research 09-S1FWSru04-F06289
- Issues in linguistic frontier research 09-S1FWSu04-F06289
- Issues in linguistic frontier research 09-S1FWSua04-F06289
- IT technology 09-S2TAF01-P02050
- IT technology 09-S2TAN01-P02050
- IT technology 09-S2TFA01-P02050
- IT technology 09-S2TNA01-P02050
- IT technology 09-S2FGR02-P02050
- IT tools 09-S2NKB02-P01197
- Italian literature and culture - Baroque, Classicism, Enlightenment 09-S1FWL04-P13330
- Italian literature and culture - Humanism 09-S1FWL02-P13319
- Italian literature and culture - Middle Ages 09-S1FWL01-P13314
- Italian literature and culture - Renaissance 09-S1FWL03-P13988
- Jounalistic and touristic translation ABA 09-TPpubtur-11
- Jounalistic translation ABA 09-TPpub-11
- Karaim language and literature 09-S2TUR02-P05089
- Kazakh linguistics 09-S2TUR01-P05085
- Knowledge of Denmark I 09-S1FSd04-P05800
- Knowledge of European and international institutions 09-S2TAF01-P01584
- Knowledge of European and international institutions 09-S2TAN01-P01584
- Knowledge of European and international institutions 09-S2TFA01-P01584
- Knowledge of European and international institutions 09-S2TNA01-P01584
- Knowledge of European and international institutions 09-S2TUF01-P01584
- Knowledge of European and international institutions 09-S2TUN01-P01584
- Knowledge of language acquisition 09-S1FSd01-F05765
- Knowledge of language acquisition 09-S1FSn01-F05765
- Knowledge of language acquisition 09-S1FSs01-F05765
- Knowledge of language acquisition and language learning 09-N1FWSr02-P06224
- Knowledge of language acquisition and language learning 09-S1FGR01-P06224
- Knowledge of language acquisition and language learning 09-S1FWSb01-P06224
- Knowledge of language acquisition and language learning 09-S1FWSr01-P06224
- Knowledge of language acquisition and language learning 09-S1FWSu01-P06224
- Knowledge of language acquisition and language learning 09-S1FGRa01-P06224
- Knowledge of language acquisition and language learning 09-W1FWSr02-P06224
- Knowledge of modern Russia 09-S2FWSr03-F06405
- Knowledge of Norway I 09-S1FSn04-P05789
- Knowledge of Sweden I 09-S1FSs04-P05775
- Knowledge Production in Literature and in the Literary Text 09-PWLT-11
- Language acquisition 09-S1FHI02-P11062
- Language acquisition 09-S1FPO02-P11062
- Language acquisition 09-S1FWL03-P11062
- Language acquisition 09-S1FFR04-P11062
- Language and communication in glottodidactic research 09-S2FFR03-P10602
- Language and Culture I - integrated language skills at the advanced level: Catalan 09-S2FHI01-F14549
- Language and culture I - integrated language skills at the advanced level: English 09-S2FFR01-F10575
- Language and culture I - integrated language skills at the advanced level: English 09-S2FHI01-F10575
- Language and culture I - integrated language skills at the advanced level: English 09-S2FRU01-F10575
- Language and culture I - integrated language skills at the advanced level: English 09-S2FWL01-F10575
- Language and Culture I - integrated language skills at the advanced level: French 09-S2FRU01-F14544
- Language and Culture I - integrated language skills at the advanced level: French 09-S2FWL01-F14544
- Language and Culture I - integrated language skills at the advanced level: Italian 09-S2FFR01-F10577
- Language and Culture I - integrated language skills at the advanced level: Portuguese 09-S2FHI01-F14550
- Language and Culture I - integrated language skills at the advanced level: Spanish 09-S2FFR01-F10576
- Language and Culture I - integrated language skills: Basque 09-S1FHI03-F14328
- Language and Culture I - integrated language skills: Catalan 09-S1FHI03-F14329
- Language and Culture I - integrated language skills: English 09-S1FWL03-F10533
- Language and Culture I - integrated language skills: English 09-S1FPO03-F10533
- Language and Culture I - integrated language skills: English 09-S1FFR03-P10533
- Language and Culture I - integrated language skills: French 09-S1FWL03-F13269
- Language and Culture I - integrated language skills: French 09-S1FPO03-F13269
- Language and Culture I - integrated language skills: Italian 09-S1FFR03-P10535
- Language and Culture I - integrated language skills: Portuguese 09-S1FHI03-F14330
- Language and Culture I - integrated language skills: Spanish 09-S1FPO03-F10534
- Language and Culture I - integrated language skills: Spanish 09-S1FFR03-P10534
- Language and culture II - integrated language skills at advanced level: Catalan 09-S2FHI02-F14552
- Language and culture II - integrated language skills at advanced level: Italian 09-S2FFR02-F10593
- Language and culture II - integrated language skills at advanced level: Portuguese 09-S2FHI02-F14553
- Language and culture II - integrated language skills at advanced level: Spanish 09-S2FFR02-F10592
- Language and culture II - integrated language skills at the advanced level: English 09-S2FFR02-F10591
- Language and culture II - integrated language skills at the advanced level: English 09-S2FHI02-F10591
- Language and culture II - integrated language skills at the advanced level: English 09-S2FRU02-F10591
- Language and culture II - integrated language skills at the advanced level: English 09-S2FWL02-F10591
- Language and culture II - integrated language skills at the advanced level: French 09-S2FRU02-F14545
- Language and culture II - integrated language skills at the advanced level: French 09-S2FWL02-F14545
- Language and culture II - integrated language skills: Basque 09-S1FHI04-F14337
- Language and culture II - integrated language skills: Catalan 09-S1FHI04-F14338
- Language and culture II - Integrated language skills: English 09-S1FWL04-F10542
- Language and culture II - Integrated language skills: English 09-S1FPO04-F10542
- Language and culture II - Integrated language skills: English 09-S1FFR04-F10542
- Language and culture II - Integrated language skills: French 09-S1FWL04-F13276
- Language and culture II - Integrated language skills: French 09-S1FPO04-F13276
- Language and culture II - integrated language skills: Italian 09-S1FFR04-F10544
- Language and culture II - integrated language skills: Portuguese 09-S1FHI04-F14339
- Language and culture II - integrated language skills: Spanish 09-S1FPO04-F10543
- Language and culture II - integrated language skills: Spanish 09-S1FFR04-F10543
- Language and culture III - integrated language skills at advanced level: Catalan 09-S2FHI03-F14555
- Language and culture III - integrated language skills at advanced level: English 09-S2FHI03-F10604
- Language and culture III - integrated language skills at advanced level: English 09-S2FWL03-F10604
- Language and culture III - integrated language skills at advanced level: English 09-S2FRU03-F10604
- Language and culture III - integrated language skills at advanced level: English 09-S2FFR03-F10604
- Language and culture III - integrated language skills at advanced level: Italian 09-S2FFR03-F10606
- Language and culture III - integrated language skills at advanced level: Portuguese 09-S2FHI03-F14556